In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, a teacher punished a student and made her walk barefoot around school
school. The incident is reported on the website of the regional prosecutor's office.
It has been established that a girl from the fourth grade came to school without changing shoes, for this reason the teacher decided to punish her. At the request of the teacher, the schoolgirl was without shoes in class and walked barefoot around the school building.
On this fact, the prosecutor's office is checking. “The prosecutor’s office will assess compliance with the requirements of the legislation on the protection of the rights of minors and the legality of the actions of employees of an educational institution,” the report says.
Earlier in Wales, teachers forced a schoolgirl to sit in a woolen jacket during the heat and brought her before heatstroke. The girl explained that she felt hot in the school, since the air temperature was 29 degrees Celsius. Despite complaints, the teachers forbade her to take off her jacket, as it was against the school's dress code.