In the village of Orotukan, Magadan Region, a member of an organized crime group from Ingushetia was detained for extortion women using photo and video materials. This was announced on Thursday, November 25, by Interfax.
The attacker was caught on November 22 in the village of Orotukan in the Kolyma during the search operations. Previously, he was on the federal wanted list for committing a crime under Article 163 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Extortion”).
According to the investigation, 47-year-old Altemirov from 2012 to 2017, as part of an organized criminal group, extorted money from a native of Ingushetia. He threatened to distribute photographs and video materials that would dishonor her. The attacker received about 800 thousand rubles by blackmail.
Since the detained Altemirov has six children, he was sentenced to four years in a general regime colony.
Detained 47-year-old Sultan Altemirov – the brother of the leader of the group, Khasan Altemirov, whom the police detained at the end of June 2021, as well as Isa Altemirov, who died during the arrest.
As previously reported, the brothers seduced married residents of Ingushetia, filmed with them erotic videos, and then blackmailed by exposure, forced to have sex with other men and demanded money.