Sandwiches spoke about the future of the British economy

Bloomberg: Pret Sandwich Index talks about UK economic recovery Pret, and found that the national economy of the United Kingdom has partially recovered from the recession caused by coronavirus restrictions.

In particular, the index revealed that the demand for Pret sandwiches in the financial districts of London and the West End, airports , some regional cities, as well as in Scotland in mid-November was higher than the level of early 2020, when the coronavirus pandemic had not yet begun in the country and around the world.

At the same time, the authors note, not all regions of the UK are recovering the same, and therefore it is still impossible to give an unambiguous assessment of the future of the national economy. Thus, the demand for sandwiches in the suburbs of megalopolises exceeds the indicators of some areas within cities. This is due to the relocation of high-paid employees to the suburbs in the conditions of remote work.

“On average across the country, we are returning to the level of business that we were in before the pandemic,” said Pret CEO Pano Hristo, commenting on the findings of the study. The recovery came faster than he expected, he said, thanks in large part to the return of Brits to jobs.

