Top Causes of Depression Revealed

American psychologists have named stress and social problems as the main causes of depression

failure, stroke and seizure, said American scientists from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), writes Eat This! Not That !.

According to them, today it is impossible to reveal the main causes of depression. Researchers believe that biological, environmental and psychological factors can cause depression.

Psychiatrist Mark Pollack named the main symptoms of depression as constant feelings of sadness or anxiety, refusal from activities that were previously enjoyable , irritability, insomnia, lack of appetite or overeating, stomach pain, lump in throat, trouble concentrating, remembering or making decisions, feeling tired all the time, feeling guilty, worthless or helpless.

“People may be predisposed depression on a number of factors, including changes in brain function, family history, stressful life events, adverse social problems such as poverty, and medical problems, ”he added.

Earlier, researchers at the Pennsylvania State College of Medicine said Consumption of mushrooms can help reduce the risk of depression and increase life expectancy .



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