The State Duma explained the West's use of hybrid methods of war with Russia

State Duma Deputy Matveychev: The West is stepping up the flow of groundless accusations against Russia

Political technologist, State Duma deputy Oleg Matveychev said in an interview with “Ukraine. ru ”that at present relations between the West and Russia are very hot. He explained that Western countries realize that they will not be able to win in a conventional war against Russia, so they resort to using hybrid methods.

The expert notes an increase in the flow of baseless accusations against Russia from the West. According to him, there was no such flurry of criticism, accusations and misinformation even during the Cold War.

“Indeed, something ugly is going on. Is there really a war tomorrow, that this is happening at all? To understand whether it is a war or not a war, I will immediately answer this question. Our partners, as Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin calls them, have no illusions about whether they can benefit from this war. They understand perfectly well that we can give an adequate answer, that our nuclear weapons and other things will be enough, “said the State Duma deputy.

He added that for the first time in history Russia is overtaking Western countries in terms of weapons. In addition, Moscow has in its arsenal weapons that cannot be found in the West, the political strategist emphasized. The fear of direct military confrontation forces “our partners” to look for other, hybrid methods of confrontation, the expert concluded.

Earlier, the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate (GUR) of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry, Kirill Budanov, predicted an imminent Russian invasion of the country. He believes the attack will take place in late January or early February. According to him, Moscow has concentrated more than 92 thousand troops on the border and is preparing for an attack, which will be strikes of artillery, aviation, armored vehicles and landing.



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