The head of the Federal Tax Service spoke about the reason for the interest of the service in cryptocurrencies

Head of the Federal Tax Service Yegorov: cryptocurrencies can create erosion of the tax base interest in cryptocurrencies. According to him, they allow entrepreneurs to go into the shadows and evade taxes.

“If we talk about cryptocurrencies, then we are now quite closely involved in this market, realizing that this settlement system can create quite significant erosion for the tax base “, – emphasized Egorov.

He added that recently he has not seen any innovative or particularly surprising tax evasion schemes. According to the head of the Federal Tax Service, when entering the digital space, in any case, there is a trace, the only question is when it will be revealed.

Earlier, the First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Budget and Financial Markets Elena Perminova said that there may be a future for cryptocurrencies, but they are characterized by serious volatility. She noted that it is too early to consider them as official currencies.

