Teenager who shot dead two protesters in the United States expresses support for the BLM movement

Fox News: American Rittenhouse who shot dead BLM protesters said he was not a racist , Wisconsin teenager Kyle Rittenhouse expressed support for the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement and said he was not racist. The American announced this on Fox News.

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“Race has nothing to do with it … this is about the right to self-defense. I'm not a racist. I support the BLM movement, I support peaceful demonstrations, ”he said.

On August 26, 2020, a video filmed by an eyewitness was published, where a crowd of rioters pursues 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse, armed with a semi-automatic rifle. At some point, Rittenhouse stumbles and falls, after which two demonstrators attack him. He opens fire, kills one of them and wounds the second, armed with a pistol.

The teenager was charged with six counts, including first-degree murder. The maximum term is life imprisonment. Rittenhouse's defense insisted that the young man did not exceed the limits of permissible self-defense. The jury acquitted the teenager, finding that he was not guilty on all counts.

This case has become one of the most notorious in the United States in recent years. Public opinion was split in half. Someone considered Rittenhouse a mass murderer and vigilante, while others are sure that he did not exceed the limits of permissible self-defense. During the trial, more than 20 witnesses were questioned in front of the jury, and many loud statements were made. One of them belongs to Judge Bruce Schroeder, who forbade calling those killed as a result of the shooting “victims”, preferring the word “looters” to him.



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