Russian doctor compared incidence of COVID-19 between vaccinated and unvaccinated

Doctor Kozlovsky: the incidence of COVID-19 among the unvaccinated is 13.5 times higher , 5 times compared to vaccinated people. Such a comparison was made by the chief sanitary doctor of the Sverdlovsk region Dmitry Kozlovskikh, he is quoted by TASS.

The Russian doctor said that the likelihood of contracting coronavirus infection in people with vaccination is much less. According to the Kozlovskys, out of 110 thousand vaccinated, 313 people fall ill, the rates among the unvaccinated are 4400 per 100 thousand.

The physician added that there are practically no vaccinated in the intensive care unit, after vaccination, the risk of a severe course of COVID-19 decreases.
At the same time, Kozlovskikh noted that there is a certain percentage of people who do not develop antibodies and immunity after vaccination.

Earlier, neurologist-somnologist Elena Tsareva warned Russians about a factor that increases the risk of contracting COVID-19. According to the doctor, sleeping less than the prescribed eight hours a day can not only negatively affect the functioning of the brain, but also lead to respiratory viral diseases.

