Political scientist predicted the transformation of the Belarusian-Polish border into a “second Donbass”

Political scientist Ishchenko: Russia may be forced to intervene in the conflict on the Belarusian-Polish border

-the Polish border in the “second Donbass” in the event of an escalation of the situation.

In his opinion, Russia will be forced to intervene in the conflict if the Western countries decide to completely close the borders of Belarus for crossing, and the Poles will ensure the presence of a limited number of military personnel on the territory of the republic to create a buffer zone. The expert believes that Poland can benefit from this state of affairs.

“Poland will be happy with it, because there will be an army, the border will become a demarcation line, and an attempt by refugees to cross the border will be regarded as an attempt to attack army positions. You can do it like in Donbass – conclude a truce, keep troops in the field all the time, and the situation will mean a frozen armed conflict, “Ishchenko said.

Earlier, the European Commissioner for Internal Affairs Ilva Johansson compared the President of Belarus with a” tour operator without a license ”due to the situation with migrants on the border with Poland, Latvia and Lithuania. She stressed that the head of state and the authorities in Minsk are responsible for what is happening.

