Bari Alibasov Jr.: singer Marina Khlebnikova was depressed and did not want to live
Bari Alibasov Jr. musician Bari Alibasov, believes that the fire in the apartment of the singer Marina Khlebnikova was not accidental. He expressed this opinion in an interview with
As noted by Alibasov Jr., Khlebnikova is in critical condition after a fire that happened in her apartment on November 18. “It doesn't matter if she was intoxicated or not, it is important that she regains consciousness as soon as possible,” emphasized the son of a famous producer, expressing a desire to visit the star in the hospital as soon as they begin to let visitors to her.
Materials on topic11: 02 – 19 November Marina Khlebnikova fell into a coma after a fire in the apartment. The singer has burns of 50 percent of her body, she is in intensive care11: 35 – 26 October
The actress Svetlichnaya was found in Moscow on the set of a talk show. She was searched for by the police for several days, Bastrykin and Khlebnikova's relatives were in a state of depression and, presumably, did not want to live, Alibasov Jr. said. “People who want to live and love life do not burn,” he commented. “These situations are always accompanied by the fact that a person is depressed and he doesn’t really want to hold on to his life.”
Khlebnikova's apartment, located in the Moscow district of Butovo, was badly damaged by a fire. It is believed that the fire was caused by an unextinguished cigarette. The neighbors were the first to feel the smoke, they woke the artist's family. The singer's daughter Dominika and her mother Irina Maltseva got out on their own and helped the singer's father, Arnold Khlebnikov, who cannot walk, to escape.
Soon, EMERCOM officers arrived at the scene. They entered the apartment and found Khlebnikova herself unconscious on the floor. They carried her out of the house in a blanket, provided first aid. Currently, the 56-year-old artist is in the hospital. She is conscious, understands everything and behaves appropriately.