The State Duma proposed to expand the rights to the capital Deputy Nilov offered to pay maternity capital for the third and subsequent children

State Duma deputy from the LDPR party Yaroslav Nilov proposed expanding the rights of Russians to maternity capital by paying it for the third and subsequent children in regions with a difficult demographic situation. This is reported by

According to the parliamentarian, the corresponding bill has already been submitted to the lower house of the Russian parliament. Nilov explained that we are talking about regions in which the death rate exceeds the birth rate or is equal to it. The amount will be equal to the payment for the first child – in 2022 it will be 503,237 rubles. According to the deputy, this will help support large families. In addition, families and single fathers who have adopted children will also be able to count on financial support.

Earlier it was reported that a government commission approved a bill to expand the rights of fathers to maternity capital. It will be submitted to the State Duma in the near future. According to the document, only men who are married and are raising children with a spouse, who became their adoptive mother, will be able to count on state support. Families where a man is the only parent of the second and subsequent children born after January 1, 2007, as well as the first child born after January 1, 2020 by a surrogate mother will be able to receive maternity capital.

In 2021, the amount of maternity capital for the first child born on January 1, 2020 is 483,881 rubles. If a second child appears in the family (including one who was adopted), then the additional payment is 155,550 rubles. Earlier, the head of the Ministry of Labor of Russia Anton Kotyakov said that in 2022 the size of maternity capital will increase and will amount to more than 503 thousand rubles for the first child and 665 thousand rubles for the second child.

