Russians revealed ways to speed up home Internet to the limit

Izvestia: the speed of the home Internet can be accelerated to the limit

The Russians were revealed ways to speed up the home Internet to the limit. This is reported by Izvestia with reference to expert Vasily Trukhin.

According to the expert, the reason for the drop in connection speed may fluctuate during the day due to the number of subscribers simultaneously using the Internet. Traffic is shared among all devices connected to the same network at the same time.

Internet problems can also lie in the wireless equipment on the end device – a computer or phone. “If, for example, there is a refrigerator or other large metal objects between the user and the router, according to the laws of physics, they lead to a loss of signal,” the expert explained.

Another problem is the “clogged” communication channels. Any frequency range has physical limitations, and when there are too many networks (often there are several of them at once, even in one apartment), the quality of each network individually deteriorates. “The solution is to move to another channel or another frequency. The 5 GHz range for Wi-Fi networks is becoming more and more widespread: they, however, have a coverage radius less than 2.4 GHz, but there are not so many such networks – there is less interference in their work, “- explains the source. p>

