For the & nbsp; able-bodied population, its value was set at & nbsp; the size of 13 & nbsp; 793 rubles, for & nbsp; pensioners & mbsp; 10 & nbsp; 882 rubles, for & nbsp; children & nbsp; & mdash; 12 & nbsp; 274 rubles.
On & nbsp; Thursday, the president proposed to increase the living wage and & nbsp; the minimum wage (minimum wage) by & nbsp; 8.6% & nbsp; & mdash; then & nbsp; is higher than inflation.
The first figure will rise to 12,654 rubles, the second – to 13,890. On Friday, the Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes adopted three amendments proposed by the president.
The second of & nbsp; them clarifies the grounds for & nbsp; in & nbsp; 2022 to amend the & nbsp; indicators of the consolidated budget list of the federal budget. It allows you to distribute budgetary funds reserved for & nbsp; next year in & nbsp; amount up to & nbsp; 9.151 billion rubles, which are provided for & nbsp; financial support of individual measures of social support for families with & nbsp; children, and & nbsp; also for & nbsp; implementation of regional social supplements to & nbsp; pensions.
The third amendment allows the government to quickly distribute these funds between regions. It establishes that & nbsp; in & nbsp; 2022, interbudgetary transfers provided from the & nbsp; federal budget are sent to the subjects in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the government. Moreover, & nbsp; they are not & nbsp; subject to the requirement of & nbsp; the need to approve such transfers by the law on & nbsp; budget.
Prior to & nbsp; this, the & nbsp; draft of the three-year federal budget included the indexation of the subsistence minimum (PM) by & nbsp; 2.5% … With & nbsp; and & nbsp; according to the & nbsp; Constitution, the minimum wage may not & nbsp; be less than & nbsp; PM.
In & nbsp; 2021, the value of the subsistence minimum in & nbsp; the whole country & nbsp; per capita is 11 & nbsp; 653 rubles, for the able-bodied population & nbsp; & mdash; 12 & nbsp; 702 rubles, for & nbsp; pensioners & nbsp; & mdash; 10 & nbsp; 022 rubles, for & nbsp; children & nbsp; & mdash; 11 & nbsp; 303 rubles, and & nbsp; minimum wage & nbsp; & mdash; 12 & nbsp; 792 rubles per & nbsp; month.
With & nbsp; at the end of October, the State Duma adopted in the & nbsp; first reading a government bill from the & nbsp; budget package on & nbsp; increasing the minimum wage from & nbsp; 2022 to & nbsp; 13 & nbsp; & nbsp; 13 & nbsp; month.
The presidential amendment on & nbsp; increasing the minimum wage to & nbsp; 13 & nbsp; 890 rubles will have to be considered by the committee on & nbsp; labor, social policy and & nbsp; affairs of veterans.