State Duma Deputy Novikov commented on Surkov's article on chaos and order published in the publication “Actual comments”. This was reported by RIA Novosti.
The deputy doubted the correctness of the assessment of the last 20 years, which was given by the former deputy head of the presidential administration. In his opinion, the zero years were not a “golden age”, but a period of restraining social upheavals after the destruction of the Soviet system.
Every system goes through a certain period of formation and development, and if we take Soviet power, which existed for more than 70 years in our country … during this period a lot was achieved, the country was torn out of the First World War, successfully coped with foreign intervention, began peaceful construction and rather quickly stabilized the situation. But this stabilization cannot yet be considered a flourishing, because between stabilization after devastation and the achievement of a flourishing period there is always some historical period that allows you to “heal the wounds”
Dmitry NovikovFirst Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs
Novikov noted that the era of Brezhnev could be called the golden age, by the beginning of which the period of formation of Soviet power and the struggle against fascism were left behind.
Surkov's article argues that at the beginning of the third millennium, the Russian vertical of power stopped the avalanche of social chaos and pulled the country “from the rubble of perestroika.” “Twenty years of stability, which Stolypin lacked, now we have. And there will be more, – wrote the former deputy head of the Presidential Administration. – Vertical, order and braces are guaranteed. These years, for sure, will someday be remembered as the golden age. ”