Saaakashvili ends hunger strike

Doctor Sharashenidze: Saakashvili ended his 50-day hunger strike and takes food according to the scheme Former Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili ended his 50-day hunger strike He takes food according to the scheme, his state of health is stable. This was stated by a member of the council of doctors Nino Sharashenidze, RIA Novosti reports. According to the expert, the ex-president “is undergoing all appropriate therapies.” The scheme of his treatment was developed with the participation of not only members of the council, but also doctors of the republican hospital and a gastroenterologist, Sharashenidze noted. She added that Saakashvili complains of headaches and is closely watched by doctors. Earlier it was reported that Mikheil Saakashvili agreed to go from a prison hospital in Tbilisi to a military hospital in Gori and end the hunger strike. < p> Saakashvili was detained in Georgia on October 1. He returned to the country after

Gazelle knocked down a baby to death in New Moscow

Traffic police: “Gazelle” hit a mother with children in New Moscow, the baby died on the spot two children of four years and nine months in New Moscow. This was reported by the press service of the Moscow State Traffic Inspectorate on Telegram. The incident occurred at 19:35 on the territory of the Nikolokhovanskaya village of the Sosenskoye settlement. According to preliminary data, the mother and the children walked along the road, in the direction of traffic. As a result of the collision, the baby, who was in a baby carriage, died at the scene of the accident. Mom and a four-year-old boy received minor injuries. The driver was detained. According to the prosecutor's office, the 34-year-old driver was drunk. The prosecutor's office of the Troitsk and Novomoskovsk administrative districts began an inspection. The materials were transferred to the Investigative Committee. Earlier it became known that a woman in an

Spartak lost to Krasnodar

Krasnodar beat Spartak in the RPL round 15 match Krasnodar turned out to be stronger than Spartak Moscow match 15th round of the Russian Premier League (RPL). This was reported by the correspondent. The Red and White lost in the away match of the Russian championship. Spartak conceded already in the 16th minute of the match. The score was opened by Colombian bulls forward John Cordoba. In the second half, the teams exchanged goals scored. In both cases, goals were scored from the penalty spot. Striker Alexander Sobolev scored against Spartak. Grzegorz Krychowiak scored a goal for Krasnodar. The final score is 2: 1 in favor of the bulls. After 15 RPL matches, Spartak occupies the tenth place in the championship standings. Krasnodar claims to be in European competition. Bulls occupy the fifth line of the RPL and are one point behind the fourth team of the championship –

A well-known blogger caused a fatal accident on Kutuzovsky Prospekt in Moscow

Autoblogger Said Gubdensky caused an accident on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, two people died , two of them died. Famous autoblogger Said Gubdensky and President of the Federation of Automobile and Motorcycle Sports of Dagestan Zaur Ibragimov became the victims of the accident. The accident was provoked by the BMW M4 Competition, which drove into the oncoming lane and crashed into Volvo and Mercedes cars. Initially, it was reported that four cars were involved in the accident, but this information was not confirmed. As a result of the collision, a man in a BMW was thrown onto the roadway. Two more were trapped in the car. In the footage taken by CCTV cameras, it is noticeable that during the accident the asphalt was wet after the rain in the capital. A black BMW overtook several cars at high speed, then changed lanes from one lane to another and flew into the oncoming

День в истории: 19 ноября

Международный мужской день Ежегодно 19 ноября в мире отмечается Международный мужской день (International Men's Day, IMD). Идея проведения подобного праздника звучала еще в 1960-х годах, когда появились предложения отмечать Международный мужской день 23 февраля — по аналогии с Международным женским днем, отмечаемым 8 марта. Однако долгие 30 лет дальше предложений дело не шло. Лишь в начале 1990-х годов по инициативе профессора Томаса Оастера, руководившего центром мужских исследований при университете города Миссури-Канзас, в США прошли незначительные мероприятия в феврале. Цель Дня — привлечение внимания к гендерной дискриминации мужчин при определении важности их роли в семье и воспитании детей. Также организаторы праздника делают упор на сохранение здоровья мальчиков и мужчин, на их социальное, эмоциональное, физическое и духовное благополучие.

День в истории: 20 ноября

Всемирный день ребенка Ежегодно 20 ноября отмечается Всемирный день ребенка. Этот праздник рекомендовала ввести в практику всем странам Генеральная Ассамблея ООН в 1954 году. Организация Объединенных Наций советовала странам самостоятельно определить день празднования и предположила, что всеобщее празднование Всемирного дня ребенка послужит укреплению солидарности и сотрудничества между нациями. А 20 ноября выбрали потому, что именно в этот день в 1959 году была принята Декларация прав ребенка, а в 1989 году — Конвенция о правах ребенка. Праздник направлен на улучшение благополучия детей, укрепление работы, проводимой ООН в интересах детей всего мира. Обычно в этот день по всему миру проводят различные благотворительные мероприятия и акции. Праздник отмечают все, кто по роду своей деятельности так или иначе связан с педагогикой.

The speaker of the Senate of Poland spoke about the receipt of a parcel with explosives

Speaker of the Polish Senate Grodsky said that he received a package with explosives and threats name and found explosives and a threatening letter in it. He told about this on his Twitter account. “This is what the industry of contempt and persecution of political opponents leads to,” the politician wrote. According to Grodsky, the parcel was announced by the relevant services, they are looking for the sender. According to the Polish radio station RMF, the parcel was found on Friday at 15:00 local time (17:00 Moscow time), an unidentified substance was found in it … We are talking, presumably, about nitrocellulose gunpowder – it is used in small arms and artillery. The sender signed up with a forest guard. In October 2018, it was reported that parcels of bombs were being sent to the United States. They were received by billionaire George Soros, former US President Barack Obama, former

Former prime minister of Poland stripped of driver's license

Former Prime Minister of Poland Tusk was deprived of his driving license for three months for speeding. He wrote about this on his Twitter account. “There is a violation of traffic rules. There is a punishment in the form of deprivation of rights for three months, ten penalty points and a fine, ”he said. According to Tusk, this punishment is fair, he undoubtedly accepts it. According to TASS spokeswoman for the local police Anna Pavlovska, the incident took place in the central Mazovian voivodeship at about 11:00 local time (13 : 00 Moscow time). The police detained a 64-year-old Skoda driver who exceeded the speed of more than 50 kilometers per hour while driving in the city. “He lost his license and received a fine,” the police concluded. < p>

Побочные эффекты вакцин от ковида, или почему россияне медлят с прививкой

Первые признаки. В Великобритании первыми начали прививать медработников. Было это 9 декабря 2020 года, использовалась вакцина BNT162b2 (Pfizer-BioNTech). И в первый же день, по данным The Guardian, были зафиксированы два случая анафилаксии — тяжелой, угрожающей жизни аллергической реакции, затрагивающей все системы организма. В легкой форме анафилаксия проявляется отеком Квинке, крапивницей, учащенным сердцебиением, тошнотой, чувством тревоги. При более тяжелой давление падает практически до нуля, возникают судороги, происходит потеря сознания и остановка сердца. По данным The Guardian, пострадали женщины 49 и 40 лет. У старшей была аллергия на куриное яйцо, у той, что младше, — лекарственная аллергия. Похожие реакции у них случались и раньше. Врачи немедленно оказали помощь, и женщины быстро пришли в себя. При этом никаких компонентов яйца в вакцине BNT162b2 нет. Похожие случаи произошли на Аляске 16 декабря 2020 года. Тот же Pfizer — и снова больница. Причина — аллергическая реакция, которая развилась вскоре после введения вакцины. Женщине сорока с лишним лет пришлось провести ночь в реанимации под капельницей: у нее случилась анафилаксия. Мужчине повезло больше: у него лишь опухли глаза и закружилась голова. На всякий случай его тоже отправили в реанимацию, вкололи адреналин (средство первой помощи при анафилаксии), но уже