More than half of Russians wanted to take out a mortgage

Online-Ipoteka platform poll: 52 percent of Russians want to take out a mortgage

More than half of Russians want to take out a mortgage keep within three to five million rubles. This is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to a study of the online-Ipoteka mortgage lending platform.

According to the survey, 52 percent of respondents plan to take a mortgage loan. About 31 percent of the respondents are thinking about such a possibility, but have not yet decided on their plans. Another 17 percent of Russians do not consider taking out a mortgage.

Among those who plan to buy housing on credit, 27 percent intend to do so within the next year, about 36 percent – in the next two to three years, and another 29 percent – within five years. Another eight percent of the respondents found it difficult to name the terms.

32 percent of future mortgagees expect a loan in the amount of three to five million rubles, and another 31 percent of respondents – from five to ten million rubles. More than 10 million rubles of loans for the purchase of housing are planned to be taken by 21 percent of Russians, an amount within three million rubles – only 16 percent of the survey participants.

Among those who do not plan to take out a mortgage at all, a third called low income the main obstacle to this, one in four admitted to having several loans, 23 percent of respondents complained about high housing prices, another 22 percent said they were afraid of losing their source of income. About 16 percent of Russians consider mortgage rates too high, and 12 percent prefer not to take out loans at all.

The poll was conducted in November, it was attended by 4,200 adult Russians from all regions of the country. Respondents could give several answers to some questions and offer their own answers.

Earlier, a study by the credit bureau Equifax showed that the average size of mortgages in Russia in October increased by 4.5 percent compared to the previous month and now amounts to 3.74 million rubles. The main reasons for this growth were named the rise in prices for real estate and a decrease in the share of “investment” apartments. Mortgages were taken out a little less often in October, the amount decreased by 1.6 percent, to 58 thousand loans.

