Endocrinologist Shchetinina: high blood sugar in coronavirus is a risk factor the course of the coronavirus. She noted that increased indicators are a risk factor, Sputnik radio reports.
According to the doctor, the body feels a violation of carbohydrate metabolism, since at values of more than six to seven millimoles per liter, blood vessels are damaged, their inner walls become more permeable … Thus, diabetes is not terrible in itself, but complications that can become irreversible.
“If we are talking about COVID-19, then this disease itself is characterized not only by damage to the lung tissue, but also by the endothelium – inner wall of blood vessels. If it was initially damaged by an increase in sugar, it turns out that a person already has this risk factor, this weak link. The additional effect of the infection on the endothelium aggravates the situation, “explained Shchetinina.
The endocrinologist added that in case of coronavirus and any other bacterial or viral infection, the body can respond with an increase in blood sugar, sometimes the disease can provoke” dormant “carbohydrate disorders exchange.
Shchetina advised to monitor sugar and take action when it rises. She concluded that the best “pill” for diabetes is diet and restriction of carbohydrates, and drugs are secondary.
Earlier, allergist-immunologist Vladimir Bolibok warned that Russians may face another consequence of the coronavirus – the “ground glass syndrome “In the lungs due to massive capillary thrombosis during infection with COVID-19.