Russians will see the longest eclipse in 500 years

Roscosmos: Russians will see the longest lunar eclipse since the 15th century on November 19

eclipse, according to the website of the state corporation “Roscosmos.” This is the longest partial eclipse of the Moon since the 15th century, “Roscosmos emphasized.

The eclipse will become” almost complete “, since the Moon will go into the Earth's shadow almost entirely (0.97), as a result of which the lunar disk will turn reddish. The inhabitants of the Far East will see this phenomenon: the maximum and partial phases will become available to them. The largest phase is expected in the Trans-Baikal regions, and the end of the eclipse – in Central, Eastern and Northern Siberia.

The eclipse will last three hours and 28 minutes – from 10:20 to 13:48 Moscow time. In this case, the maximum phase will occur at 12:04, when the Moon = will be located in the western part of the constellation Taurus near the Pleiades star cluster.

