Deputy Chairman of Sberbank Kuznetsov: the share of fraudulent calls from abroad has reached 70 percent
the share of fraudulent calls to Russia comes from abroad, Izvestia writes.
The share of fraudulent calls from abroad has reached 70 percent, said the deputy chairman of Sber. According to him, such call centers work only with Russians. Kuznetsov also named the main source of fraudulent calls – this is Ukraine, he stressed.
“The main source of calls is the territory of Ukraine, more specifically – the city of Dnipro, formerly Dnipropetrovsk. There is a large number of Russian-speaking youth, and there are obviously not enough opportunities for honest earnings, “Kuznetsov noted.
According to the expert, the number of fraudulent call centers in Dnipro has decreased from 1,000 to 150 over the past year. “Those who worked according to the most primitive scheme were eliminated:“ Your card is blocked, dictate the CVV-code ”. There are still large centers operating according to more sophisticated schemes of deception, “- said the deputy chairman of Sberbank.
In the same interview, Kuznetsov said that Russia began to use a fraudulent scheme using the series” Playing the Squid “. For example, the attackers created malicious applications and programs with the name of a popular show. They not only subscribe users to paid services, but also steal personal data of Russians.