Russians listed seven signs of diabetes

Endocrinologist Evdokimova called constant thirst as a sign of diabetes mellitus indicating the presence of diabetes mellitus. She listed seven symptoms. Izvestia writes about this on Friday, November 19.

According to the expert, the first sign is constant thirst. The second symptom follows from the first – it is increased urination. The third symptom is genital itching, it is also caused by the first two, Evdokimova noted.

“Sugar is a breeding ground for microbes and fungal flora, therefore, the glucose contained in urine, getting on the genitals, causes the growth of bacterial flora, which leads to genital itching, “she explained.

The fourth symptom that may indicate the presence of the disease is weight loss, normal or increased appetite. The reason is that in the absence of insulin, the body begins to use adipose tissue as an energy source. The fifth symptom is poor healing function and the formation of pustules on the skin.

The sixth symptom is constant fatigue and increased fatigue. The seventh sign is vision problems. For example, a person may experience “a feeling of creepy or foggy glass before the eyes,” the doctor said.

Previously, candidate of medical sciences, pulmonologist, cardiologist at the hospital. V.V. Vinogradova Elena Shavarova told how, without obvious symptoms of inflammation, you can suspect you have pneumonia. According to her, even in the absence of a temperature, shortness of breath and constant fatigue may indicate the presence of a disease.

