Prayer rooms wanted to open in the Moscow metro

Imam Ildar Alyautdinov: Moscow metro wants to open prayer rooms for Muslims Moscow metro prayer rooms. Thus, Muslims could perform the five-fold obligatory prayer in public places without embarrassing the rest of the townspeople, RIA Novosti reports.

According to the mufti, prayer rooms have appeared in airports, hospices, and some medical institutions. Negotiations are underway on this topic with shopping centers. Now Muslims wanted to open prayer rooms in the metro, arguing that for now believers have to pray in passages.

Alyautdinov stressed that Muslims have to pray in public places, since there are not enough special rooms in the city. “It is important to remind: people are praying on the subway, on the streets for a reason. Namaz is the basis of a Muslim's life, it is a mandatory prescription that a believer must comply strictly five times a day, regardless of where he is, “said the mufti.

Soon in the transport department of the capital, the radio station” Moscow Says ” said they were not considering opening prayer rooms in the metro. The department clarified that they respect the feelings of believers, but in transport there is no way to create safe conditions for carrying out rituals of any belief.

In August 2020, it became known that the first halal shopping center in Russia promoting Muslim values. There will be shops and cafes with halal products and services, and the territory will be equipped for a comfortable pastime, taking into account all Islamic canons.

