Посмотреть эту публикацию в Instagram Публикация от Марина Хлебникова (@marina_hlebnikova_official) «Все мы с вами пребываем в состоянии шока от случившегося, и естественно, что все вы хотите получить комментарии по сложившейся ситуации, и мы дадим эти комментарии как только сможем. Давайте вместе наберемся терпения и будем желать Марине только всего самого лучшего, а не “напрыгивать” на новость как стервятники», — говорится в сообщении, опубликованном в Instagram Хлебниковой. Тем не менее, несмотря на призывы команды Хлебниковой не тиражировать неподтвержденную информацию о произошедшем, разные версии уже обсуждаются. Так, по информации Telegram-канала SHOT, причиной возгорания могла стать непотушенная сигарета, о чем дочь Хлебниковой якобы сообщила полицейским. Она, в частности, пояснила, что артистка часто курила в комнате, а в этот день могла не потушить сигарету, поскольку была уставшей после гастролей. ТАСС также приводит сведения со ссылкой на экстренные службы, что пожар произошел, предварительно, в результате неосторожного обращения с огнем при курении. Согласно другому предположению специалистов, к пожару могло привести короткое замыкание, пишет РИА «Новости». Первыми запах дыма почувствовали соседи, в это время дочь и мама Хлебниковой спали. Проснулись они от поднявшегося шума и в первую очередь помогли выбраться из квартиры отцу артистки, который не может ходить. Родители, муж и дочь певицы
Day: November 19, 2021
Heating problems in Russia were measured by cats
The ONF determined the state of the thermal insulation of housing and communal services in the Russian Federation with the help of freezing cats there are the greatest problems with the thermal insulation of utilities communications. They were able to measure the degree of damage to communications with the help of cats that warm themselves on pipes in the cold season, according to the organization's website. Cats freezing on pipes have become the unit of measure for the rating of cities. In total, more than 220 thousand pets can warm up on communications in 64 regions of the country in winter, which is equivalent to at least 66 kilometers of communications. The leader of the rating was Pereslavl-Zalessky in the Yaroslavl region – in one of the microdistricts 5 thousand meters of damage were recorded, where more than 16 thousand cats can settle. A similar figure was recorded in Ryazan
Filler addicted girl showed her looks after four years of injections
Blogger Neave showed her lips before and after injections in a video on TikTok The girl has been augmenting her lips with fillers and hyaluronic acid for four years your transformation. The video posted on TikTok was noticed in The Sun. In the footage posted on the network, 22-year-old Neve showed her appearance before and after the injection. The girl attached pictures showing how her lips have changed over the course of four years, during which she regularly added one milliliter of the substance to them. It is known that at the moment the beautician has injected seven milliliters into her lips. hyaluronic acid. The blogger admitted that she became addicted to fillers. “This is a slippery slope,” the heroine of the article emphasized. The girl's post went viral and got 5.2 million views and 390.8 thousand likes. Netizens criticized Neave's appearance in the comments below the post. “Don't people
In Egypt, began to close hotels after mass poisoning of tourists
ATOR: as a result of sanitary inspections of Egyptian hotels, 18 hotels were closed compliance with sanitary rules after mass poisoning of tourists – as a result of inspections, the work of 18 hotels was suspended. This was reported on the website of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR). It is noted that more than 500 accommodation facilities have already been checked – of which three hotels in South Sinai province (Sharm el-Sheikh, Dahab resorts) have been closed, and six in the Red Sea (Hurghada and its townships, Marsa Alam). The work of nine more hotels in the region has been banned due to their inappropriate sanitary condition of the catering facilities. Also, about 30 hotels have been downgraded in “stars”. So, in the South Sinai, due to low-quality service, 13 accommodation facilities were lost per one star, in the Red Sea – 17. Among other things, the
Moscow authorities spoke about clinical studies of “Sputnik M” on adolescents
Rakova: 400 adolescents received Sputnik M, studies show the safety of the vaccine During clinical trials of the COVID-19 vaccine for adolescents, Sputnik M, 400 minors received the drug. The Russian vaccine has shown its safety, said the deputy mayor of the capital for social development Anastasia Rakova, quoted by TASS.
In Australia, conversations with Putin were called a sign of Kostya Tszyu's authority
Journalist Kent about Kostya Tszyu's authority: he is a star and talks on the phone with Putin Australian commentator and journalist Paul Kent spoke about what influence former world boxing champion Kostya Tszyu has in Russia. His words are quoted by The Advertiser. The journalist drew attention to the fact that Tszyu appears on television, runs a restaurant and is the first professional world champion in Russia after the collapse of the USSR. “He is really a superstar and talks on the phone with [the country's president] Vladimir Putin, so if he needs a fight with someone, he is already in his pocket,” Kent called a sign of the athlete's authority. Tszyu spoke at light welterweight champion. He became the World Boxing Association (WBA), World Boxing Council (WBC) and International Boxing Federation (IBF) world champion. He won 31 victories with two defeats and one draw in the professional ring. Tszyu
Семь из десяти россиян назвали свое материальное положение трудным
69% россиян утверждают, что испытывают финансовые сложности; одновременно с этим каждый четвертый (24%) надеется, что его материальное положение в ближайшее время улучшится, тогда как в прошлом году так считал лишь каждый десятый. Таковы результаты опроса, проведенного Центром исследований гражданского общества и коммерческого сектора НИУ ВШЭ (исследование есть у РБК). Как проводилось исследованиеОпрос проводился среди городского и сельского населения старше 18 лет в формате личного интервью в июне 2021 года, в исследовании приняли участие более 2 тыс. человек. Россияне надеются на лучшее О том, что месячный доход семьи легко позволяет удовлетворять основные потребности, сообщили менее трети опрошенных (29%). Большинство (69%) испытывают те или иные финансовые трудности — чаще всего говорят о нехватке денег люди старшего возраста (51−65 лет) и жители сел. Ситуация 2021 года мало отличается от прошлогодней — в 2020 году о материальных сложностях заявляли 66% жителей страны. Пенсия: отвечаем на главные вопросы о том, как обеспечить свое будущее Несмотря на то что ситуация с личными финансами не улучшается, опрошенные стали более оптимистичны в прогнозах, чем в год начала пандемии коронавируса. Так, почти каждый четвертый респондент (24%) ожидает улучшения своего
Models of Russian tanks spotted in the USA
“RG”: mock-ups of the T-72 tank and the S-300 anti-aircraft missile system were noticed in the USA tank T-72 and anti-aircraft missile system (SAM) S-300. The equipment can be used to simulate the actions of a potential enemy during an exercise, Rossiyskaya Gazeta reports. The publication notes that the pictures show a mock-up of a 5P85S launcher from the S-300 complex. The MAZ-543M wheeled chassis was developed in 1983. The layout received pixel camouflage, which is used by the People's Liberation Army of China (PLA). The publication emphasizes that China is using the S-300PMU1, S-300PMU2 and S-400 complexes. A model of the T-72 tank was also noticed in the convoy. The location of the reactive armor blocks indicates an attempt to imitate tanks of several modifications. The mock-ups of the tank and the air defense missile system received a wheeled chassis, which allows transporting mock-ups. Earlier, mock-ups of the American
Urgant ridiculed Rashkin's confession of killing a moose
TV presenter Urgant on the recognition of deputy Rashkin: this is classic Russian literature recognition of the State Duma deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Valery Rashkin, suspected of illegal hunting, in the murder of an elk. An excerpt from the release is available on YouTube. As noted by Urgant, at first the parliamentarian said that he had found an elk carcass. “At the same time, he said that he confused a moose with a wild boar. Because the moose is to blame, there was no need to stand and sing “Hakuna Matata”. Anyone would be confused. You know how they watch The Lion King in the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, “he turned to co-host Dmitry Khrustalev. Commenting on Rashkin's video recognition, the showman joked about the style of his speech. “This is classic Russian literature. This is Turgenev, this is almost Paustovsky, “Urgant noted