Former host of the TV show “Heads and Tails” Alina Astrovskaya is expecting a baby expecting a baby. Her pregnancy became known from a post published on the Instagram account of her husband, TV presenter Anton Lavrentyev.
Lavrentyev posted a joint photo with his wife on his personal blog. In the picture, Astrovskaya showed an enlarged belly.
“Are you worried? – Highly! – What are you worried about? Firstly, they were waiting for this, as well as we, so everything will be space! And, secondly, please don't worry, I'm with you, and in general, there are three of us now, and with the animals – five, and this is already a gang, we are not afraid of anything! ” – the TV presenter signed the frame.
Earlier it was reported that Astrovskaya complained about the difficulty of working in “Heads and Tails”. In a conversation with actress Agata Muceniece, she remembered how she once participated in a shoot that lasted 56 hours. As the TV presenter noted, she worked with the cameraman non-stop: she was filmed day and night.
“Heads and Tails” is a popular Ukrainian educational program about travel. The premiere screening of the project took place in 2011. Subsequently, the rights to demonstrate the show were acquired by Russian channels, including Friday!