In Karachay-Cherkessia, they will breed multi-colored yaks

Multi-colored yak breeding was named a promising direction for Karachay-Cherkessia This is reported by TASS with reference to the head of the farm “Alamat” Ansar Kaitov.

“We now want to turn the selection a little the other way – to bring bulls from Altai, stir the blood. And in our republic, and in the neighboring ones, it has not changed for half a century. We will seriously deal with this from next year, “- said Kaitov.

According to him, there are now about 300 broodstock and about 200 calves in the herd. The most common color is black, therefore, in order to obtain spotted calves, it is necessary to import gray and white bulls.

It is specified that these animals live all year round at the foot of Elbrus in the high mountainous area of ​​Dzhyly-suu. In summer, mountain bulls rise to a height of about 3.7 thousand meters, and in winter they descend to a height of about 2 thousand meters to find grass and moss.

The Alamat farm is located in the Ust-Dzhegutinsky district. Currently, they are engaged in breeding horses of the Karachai breed and cows.

