In a Russian city, a teenager shot a peer in the leg because of a quarrel

In Khanty-Mansiysk, during a quarrel, a teenager shot twice in the leg of a peer

a peer's leg from a pneumatic pistol, according to the TV channel.

The young men quarreled near one of the high-rise buildings on Ozernaya Street. Hearing the shots, local residents called the police.

The victim was hospitalized with minor injuries. A criminal case was initiated under article 116 of the Criminal Code (“Beating”).

Earlier in Orenburg, a driver on the highway shot off the nose of a gypsy who attacked him with a shovel.

a truck and a car collided on the road. Three gypsies got out of the car with shovels and began to beat the truck driver with them. According to eyewitnesses, at some point the man pulled out a traumatic pistol and shot off the nose of one of the attackers.

