A number of anime series have been banned in Russia

Roskomnadzor has blocked almost two thousand links to sites with violent anime series thousands of links that led to sites with cartoons and anime series containing a large number of violent scenes, the department told Izvestia.

and the aggressive model of behavior of the main characters of anime (a popular type of animation among teenagers) can be perceived by teenagers as correct, winning, confident and reliable, ”the RKN explained. At the same time, it is noted that no such conclusions were made in 2020.

The department emphasized that the prohibited videos demonstrate the infliction of grievous injuries incompatible with life, and also contain a number of scenes of violence and dismemberment of bodies. Roskomnadzor believes that such content is undesirable for adolescents to view, since it can lead to a negative impact on their unformed children's psyche, as well as lead to their identification with anime characters.

In the Voronezh region in the city of Liski, a priest consecrated the anime shop “Sikhon”. The priest emphasized that anime is an art form in which not the form is important, but the idea that lies in it.

