The reason for the purchase of cucumbers from Russia by Ukraine is named

Director of the Fruit and Vegetable Union Glushkov explained that Ukraine's import of cucumbers from Russia at the price of gas … This reason was named by the director of the Russian National Union of Producers of Fruits and Vegetables (Fruit and Vegetable Union) Mikhail Glushkov, RIA Novosti reports.

In November, Ukraine began to import fresh cucumbers from Russia for the first time. “I think this is primarily due to the rise in gas prices in Ukraine, as well as the lack of energy resources – both electricity and gas,” Glushkov said and added that more than 50 percent of the cost of such products as greenhouse cucumbers and tomatoes are used for energy resources. The expert noted that Ukraine could produce vegetables itself, but their cost would be too high. As a result, according to Glushkov, too expensive cucumbers and tomatoes will remain unclaimed. He explained that in the current economic conditions it is more profitable to buy vegetables from Russia than to grow them here.

According to Glushkov, the export of cucumbers to Ukraine is seasonal. “And supplies, most likely, from the regions bordering with Ukraine, in principle, all western regions of Russia can supply. The concentration of greenhouses in the European territory of the country is quite large, “the expert said.

Glushkov also noted that there is an overproduction of cucumbers in Russia now. According to him, over the past two weeks, prices for them from producers fell by 50 percent, and for tomatoes – by 25 percent. “Of course, our cucumbers can be more competitive on the Ukrainian market too, and from the point of view of logistics, these are quite acceptable supplies,” summed up the director of the Fruit and Vegetable Union.

At the same time, the Ministry of Economic Development, citing Rosstat data, reported that food inflation as of November 15 was 10.64 percent. Prices for fruits and vegetables increased by 22.26 percent. Cucumbers are up 45.05 percent on an annualized basis and 1.95 percent since the beginning of the month. The cost of tomatoes increased by 51.08 percent on an annualized basis and by 3.32 percent since the beginning of the month. The Central Bank of Russia predicted a new round of growth in food prices in 2022. The regulator noted that the cost of food, including fruits and vegetables, is growing due to a poor harvest.

