Russian summer residents warned of an unexpected fine in winter

Lawyer Ainetdinova said that Russian summer residents will be fined in winter for uncleared snowdrifts summer residents may face an unexpected fine in winter for uncleared snowdrifts. She spoke about this in an interview with URA.RU.

“Travel is the responsibility of SNT itself. If it does not remove snow on public lands, then it commits an administrative offense, and the legal entity will be fined, ”the specialist said, adding that it does not comply with the requirements for providing access to all emergency services.

According to her, in the event of a fine, the damage will be paid from the general contributions.

At the same time, the chairman of the All-Russian organization “Gardeners of Russia” Andrei Tumanov stressed that SNT is rarely fined for uncleared snow, but in case of a fine, the partnership will be obliged to pay 100 thousand rubles.

Earlier, the leading lawyer of the Eurasian Law Association “Senator” Vasily Danilov warned Russians about fines for weeds in their summer cottages. He noted that some types of vegetation should be removed, because otherwise, you can get a penalty in accordance with the law. For example, for overgrowing half or more of the land area with Sosnovsky hogweed, thistle, wormwood, dandelions, a fine of 0.5 to 1 percent of the cadastral value of the land can be imposed, but not less than 10 thousand rubles.

