Polish Prime Minister Morawiecki: Germany should not give money to Putin Nord Stream-2 “. He spoke about this in an interview with the Bild newspaper.
In his opinion, Germany should stop the certification procedure for the Russian project for the sake of peace, and not give additional money to Russian President Vladimir Putin.
“We need to work together for the sake of peace, and not give Vladimir Putin additional money in the form of payments for energy resources, with the help of which he can continue to build up arms, “Moravetsky said.
He also appealed to the leader of the Social Democrats, Olaf Scholz, urging stop Nord Stream 2.
On November 16, Germany suspended the certification of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline. Sources in the German government noted that the launch of the gas pipeline could be postponed until March 2022 due to certification problems.
They also indicated that Gazprom needed to create a subsidiary of the Swiss operator of the Nord Stream 2 AG project. and then transfer property and rights to her in Germany. Only after that, the regulator will be ready to resume the certification process in order to then submit it to the European Commission. A spokesman for the German Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) declined to comment on the postponement of the launch of Nord Stream 2 to March 2022.