“As for & nbsp; antibodies, the issue is significant, it is & nbsp; discussed today on & nbsp; the government site. There is such a task, to argue here is not & nbsp; with & nbsp; what, you need to find an optimal, acceptable version of its & nbsp; solution & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; she said at a & nbsp; meeting of the State Duma Committee on & nbsp; Health Protection (quoted by & nbsp; & laquo; Interfax & raquo;). According to & nbsp; Popova's opinion, such a decision should be “ very balanced. ''
Earlier, the Federal Headquarters announced the & nbsp; preparation of bills that could make it possible to systematize this experience and & nbsp; introduce mandatory verification of QR codes in & nbsp; transport, cafes and & nbsp; stores. The head of the Council for & nbsp; & nbsp; Human Rights under the & nbsp; President, Valery Fadeev, urged not to & nbsp; force those who have a high titer of antibodies to vaccinate. The first region of Russia to issue codes “ unofficially '' Chuvashia became ill with & nbsp; high antibodies.