Lawyers of Sheverev and Spiridonova: uneven walls and floors are often encountered in new buildings cracks, cracks in windows and balconies, as well as the absence of partitions indicated in the projects. The most common shortcomings of new housing were named to Rossiyskaya Gazeta by Anastasia Shevereva, a leading lawyer at the Yurlov & Partners law firm, and Maria Spiridonova, a member of the Russian Lawyers' Association. with doors, apartment configuration and ventilation, as well as the appearance of condensation and mold on the windows and flooding of balconies in rainy weather. In finished apartments, the owners are faced with poorly complicated flooring, leaks of plumbing fixtures and faucets, bad wallpaper and installation of sockets.
According to the expert, the buyer should invite a lawyer for the first inspection of the apartment to check for defects in the home. The future owner has the right to demand from the developer the elimination of deficiencies at no cost. Experts also advised to sign housing acceptance documents after the elimination of deficiencies or to indicate in the contract your claims and the deadline for eliminating the marriage. If the work is delayed, a penalty can be demanded from the developer, and with a significantly low quality of housing – a refund for the apartment.
In August last year, a resident of Ryazan sued more than 6.3 million rubles for a noisy elevator in a new building – the elevator was located behind the wall of the kitchen, toilet and bathroom. The noise level from the elevator was out of range. The owner filed a lawsuit against the developer after he refused to voluntarily resolve the conflict.