In the United States, 12 children were saved from parental violence thanks to the courage of their sister burst out of the house, called 911 and saved the rest of the children. ABC News writes about it.
On January 14, 2018, the rescue service received a call from the then 17-year-old Jordan Turpin. The girl told the dispatcher that she and her 12 brothers and sisters are constantly being abused by their parents: they tie them to beds, drag them by their hair, deprive them of food and practically do not allow them to go out. Turpin was not immediately able to answer the operator's question about the address where her family lives, because she was very poorly guided.
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The dispatcher tracked the girl's location by GPS, and soon police officers arrived at her home and detained her mother and father. Turpin's act put an end to her torment and suffering of her brothers and sisters, thanks to her courage they returned to a full life after being freed from parental captivity.
The girl recalled that on the day she ran out into the street to call the service rescue, she did not even know how the roadway was different from the sidewalk.
In 2019, David and Louise Turpin were sentenced to 25 years in prison for child abuse. The couple did not allow their children to go to school and did not seek professional medical attention. Brothers and sisters were often hungry and deprived of the opportunity to wash. Turpines beat the children and chained them to their beds.
Earlier it was reported that the Indian abandoned the child due to the fact that friends mocked him because of the large number of children. He and the boy's mother were charged with child abandonment and child abuse.