Rospotrebnadzor warned Russians about the risk of contracting the Coxsackie virus

Infection with the Coxsackie virus causes enterovirus infections, Rospotrebnadzor recalled

Rospotrebnadzor warned Russians about the risks of infection with the virus its website.

It is noted that the virus, which previously circulated mainly in the summer, this year manifested itself in November. They recalled that the diseases caused by Coxsackie viruses belong to the group of enterovirus infections, which are widespread in most countries of the world, including Russia.

In total, there are two groups of Coxsackie viruses. Infection with viruses from group A is manifested by skin rashes, damage to the upper respiratory tract, stomatitis and herpangina, conjunctivitis, scleritis, diarrhea, and meningitis may also develop. Group B is characterized by lesions of the heart, pleura, liver, pancreas, which are the cause of rash, pain in the abdomen, chest. Most often, they become infected with children under 15 years of age. In some cases, Coxsackie viruses can cause viral meningitis, encephalitis or myocarditis.

Infection occurs through household items or the use of infected water. Basically, the virus is spread by a sick person, who releases it into the environment along with feces. Airborne transmission of infection is also possible. Compliance with hygiene rules will minimize the risk of infection, but there is no specific prevention of the disease.

Earlier, the candidate of medical sciences, infectious disease doctor Ilya Akinfiev said that during the autumn wave of COVID-19 for Russians, the threat of simultaneous infection has increased different viruses and bacteria. One of the most common such examples is viral pneumonia or coronavirus pneumonia, when it is combined with bacterial.

