Vedomosti: people with contraindications to vaccination against COVID-19 will be added to the database Health workers in Russia will have to enter information about people with contraindications for vaccination against COVID-19 in a special base. This follows from the order of the Ministry of Health of Russia, published earlier, Vedomosti writes. At the same time, experts warn that it is difficult to accurately count the number of people in this category. According to Sergei Voznesensky, Associate Professor of the Department of Infectious Diseases of the RUDN University, more than 10 percent of the country's adult population may have a medical withdrawal from vaccination. On the other hand, Vasily Vlasov, an epidemiologist and professor at the Higher School of Economics, is confident that only about 2-3 percent of adult Russians with contraindications account for it. There are both permanent and temporary contraindications to vaccination. It is noted that each of the
Day: November 17, 2021
The girl refused the guy a date and received an unexpected demand
The guy demanded money from the girl for coffee after refusing to continue dating with him Twitter user Me, you, Tokyo showed in her account of the correspondence with the guy who asked her to return 3.5 pounds sterling (about 340 rubles at the current exchange rate) for the coffee, which he paid for her on the first date. The girl received an unexpected request after she refused to continue communicating with a new acquaintance. “It's been six years since this friend tried to bill me for a shitty date,” the user described the request for a refund. The girl explained her decision to end the meetings by the fact that “no chemistry arose” between the young people, it follows from the published screenshots. However, the guy insisted on meeting again and offered to cook dinner for a new acquaintance. “I'm sorry, but I would not go home to a
Эксперты по кибербезопасности рассказали о тайном языке хакеров
Она рассказала, как однажды работала с цифровыми «поэтами» из группировки Obsydian Gargoyle, которые промышляют фишинговыми письмами про COVID-19, фишинговыми сайтами и простыми зловредными программами. Хакеры несколько раз вставляли фразы на английском языке внутрь вредоносного макроса кода, фрагмент шекспировского сонета 116, два отрывка из «Братьев Карамазовых» и один из «Преступления и наказания» писателя Федора Достоевского. «Может быть, это было сделано как послание человечеству, либо чтобы просто посмеяться, либо для обхода простейшего сигнатурного детектирования», — предположила она цели киберпреступников. IT-специалисты нередко находят внутри кода слова, которыми вирусописатели общаются с вирусоискателями. Используют их, как правило, для общения злоумышленников между собой. Так было с вирусами Mydoom, Netsky и Bagle, которые бесконечно видоизменялись, чтобы общаться друг с другом. Проходил данный процесс через фразы типа: «Мы — Скайнет. Вы не можете спрятаться!», «Мы убиваем авторов вредоносных программ (у них нет шансов!)», «MyDoom.F — вор нашей идеи!». Чаще всего авторы вирусов зашивают в код ругательство F*** you, которое «Яндекс» переводит как «Хрен вам». Его используют вирусописатели всех рангов, начинающие и мэтры, для общения друг с другом или с теми, кому предстоит разоружать их цифрового троянского коня.
Drinks named to lower the risk of stroke and dementia
Chinese scientists have found a reduction in the risk of stroke when drinking coffee and tea dementia. This conclusion was reached by Chinese scientists from Tianjin Medical University, whose results were published in the journal PLOS Medicine. 365,682 people aged 50 to 74 years took part in the study. For 10 years, scientists have been monitoring the health status of patients. It found that people who drank 2-3 cups of coffee and 2-3 cups of tea daily had a 32 percent lower risk of stroke and a 28 percent lower risk of dementia compared to those who drank no coffee or tea at all. Moreover, participants who drank 2-3 cups of coffee, or 3-5 cups of tea a day, or 4-6 tea and coffee a day, were least likely to suffer from dementia or stroke. More Moreover, the combination of coffee and tea consumption was associated with a lower risk
Growth of aggression by radical feminists in the USA and Europe is predicted
Philosopher Ivana Karasman: feminism will take more and more radical forms Feminism in the West will continue to take more and more radical forms, turn will lead to an increase in man-hatred. This was stated in an interview with by a professor from the Zagreb Institute of Philosophy Ivan Skuhal Karasman. “I do not exclude that it will come to attacks on men,” the philosopher predicted. In addition, according to her forecasts, representatives of radical feminism will increase pressure on women who do not share their views. Karasman noted that misandry (hatred, prejudice and prejudice towards men – note. “Tapes. ru “) directly contradicts the central idea of feminism about creating a society in which men and women are equal, in which everyone has the same rights, privileges, duties, financial and career opportunities. “If a woman shares the ideas of misandry, then she is no better than a sexist
In Moscow, the volume of express testing for COVID-19 doubled
Rakov: in Moscow, the volume of express testing for COVID-19 has more than doubled on COVID-19 has more than doubled compared to the first half of October. Anastasia Rakova, the deputy mayor of the capital for social development, told about the increase in the volume of testing, according to the official website of the Moscow government. According to her, the increase in the number of those who passed the tests is due to the expansion of screening – now there are 71 points available in Moscow, where you can do an express test. Rakova stressed that more than 7 thousand Muscovites undergo screening every day. In total, almost 200 thousand people did express tests – in five percent of them, after a PCR test, COVID-19 was detected. “Thanks to this practice, the detection of people with the disease in the early stages or those who are asymptomatic has increased. This
The blogger showed an easy way to curl your hair without a curling iron
Blogger Isabella Keith showed how to make curls using a massage comb among netizens. The video posted on TikTok was noticed in the Mirror. Isabella Kate explained in the footage posted online that she uses a regular massage comb to create a curl without a curling iron. So, the blogger divided her wet hair into small strands and began to twist one of them on the handle from the ends to the roots. After that, she loosened the strand and showed the resulting curl. Keith noted that the resulting curls should dry naturally. Keith's video scored 105.7 thousand views and 2.4 thousand likes. Netizens criticized her way of creating curls in the comments of the post. “This method will only work for a certain type of hair. No need to fool people “,” Only those who naturally have curly hair will be able to do this “,” Once I tried
Russian woman attacked a paramedic who came to her
In the Amur Region, a woman attacked an ambulance paramedic and scratched him mask and insulted, according to the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Amur region. On Tuesday, November 16, a resident of the Novobureisky village required medical assistance. According to the department, when the ambulance team arrived at the address, a conflict occurred between the citizen and the paramedic, during which a woman attacked him with insults and scratched him. The police established that the 35-year-old woman had previously been involved in administrative responsibility under the article “beatings”. According to police officers, all the materials they have collected will be sent to the magistrate's court to decide on the issue of bringing the woman to criminal responsibility. According to article 116.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, she faces either a fine, or compulsory correctional labor, or up to three months of arrest. Earlier, a
Ученые назвали животных, которые могут переносить COVID-19
В список вошли, помимо летучих мышей и грызунов, многие дикие животные — объекты охоты, такие как пятнистый олень или азиатский буйвол, выращиваемые и содержащиеся в неволе, например, норки, а также домашние кошки. Результаты исследования опубликованы в журнале Proceedings of the Royal Society B. Вирус SARS-CoV-2 — зоонозный по своей природы. Ученые признают, что для предотвращения новых волн пандемии COVID-19 и появления новых опасных штаммов необходимо поставить под контроль все возможные контакты между животными — потенциальными переносчиками коронавируса — и человеком. Основное препятствие в этой работе — малое количество исследований, оценивающих вероятность распространения вируса в природной среде. Для того, чтобы восполнить этот пробел, исследователи под руководством Барбары Хан (Barbara Han) из Института экосистемных исследований Кэри в Нью-Йорке объединили экологические и биологические характеристики видов с данными трехмерного моделирования белково-белковых взаимодействий вируса с ангиотензин-превращающим ферментом 2 (ACE2) — ключевым рецептором, необходимым для проникновения вируса в клетку. Этот рецептор встречается в клетках большинства позвоночных, однако до сих пор было неизвестно, у каких видов он вступает во взаимодействие с рецептор-связывающим доменом (RBD) шипа вируса SARS-CoV-2, а у каких нет. Метод машинного обучения, который применили авторы, позволил спрогнозировать результат связывания SARS-CoV-2 с рецепторами ACE2
Gas cylinder explosion in Kazakhstan killed three people
In the Kazakh village of Shortandy, three people died as a result of a gas cylinder explosion Three people died in a gas cylinder explosion in Kazakhstan. This is reported by TASS with reference to the press service of the country's Ministry of Emergency Situations. According to the information of rescuers, on November 16, a balloon explosion occurred in the village of Shortandy, Akmola region, due to which a fire started in a barrack-type apartment. Its area was about 350 square meters. The explosion and subsequent fire killed three people, 12 residents were hospitalized. Earlier in the Kazakh city of Aktau, an explosion occurred in a cafe. He was captured by video surveillance cameras. As a result, the building was completely destroyed.