The nutritionist called the way to eat carbohydrates correctly without harm to the figure

Nutritionist Ball: You can lose weight without giving up delicious bread and pasta and the body. Yahoo News cites her recommendations. Ball believes that carbohydrates have an undeservedly bad reputation and admits that she is not going to give up delicious bread and pasta, since it is possible to lose weight with these products in the diet. “Carbohydrates are the fuel our brains need to help us recharge throughout the day. And, like other foods, an apple or a slice of bread contains more than just carbohydrates, ”the specialist noted and listed useful foods rich in carbohydrates for proper nutrition. Related materials00: 07 – 10 January “The more culinary expanse, the more we eat” How food changes our minds, behavior and prevents us from losing weight – says a neurobiologist 00:01 – 17 December 2020 “Eclairs are not to blame, and in general there is no one's fault.” and antioxidants

Ukraine held military exercises near Crimea

In the Kherson region, the Armed Forces of Ukraine held exercises with the involvement of aviation The press service of the command of the joint forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) announced this on its Facebook page. The exercises were held at one of the training grounds in the Kherson region. A battalion of marines, reinforced by a tank company and army aviation, took part in them. According to the legend of maneuvers, the advanced unit, supported by helicopters, tanks and artillery, had to repulse the marines detachment of the conditional enemy and make it impossible for its main forces to move deeper defense. It is noted that the Ukrainian military successfully coped with the assigned tasks. Previously, the ships of the Ukrainian Naval Forces (Navy) took part in the PASSEX exercises held in the Black Sea. The navies of Romania, Turkey and the United States were also

Political scientist explains Biden's evasion of the question of boycotting the Olympics in Beijing

Political scientist Dudakov: the decision to boycott the Olympics by Washington will be announced by the end of November “Why US President Joe Biden declined when asked about Washington's boycott of the Beijing Olympics. Earlier, the American leader answered a journalist's question about whether a government delegation will attend the Olympic Games. “I am a delegation, and I coped with it,” he stressed. On the eve of the Washington Post, citing sources, reported that the US presidential administration would soon announce a statement on a diplomatic boycott, according to which Biden and members of the US government would not attend the Olympics in response to China's actions on human rights violations. < p>According to Dudakov, Biden did not want to make statements in the coming days, since on Monday, November 15, an online meeting of the American president with Chinese leader Xi Jinping took place. “Obviously, on the eve of

Патрушев назвал причину появления новых инфекционных заболеваний

«Сегодня биологические риски обусловливаются событиями, связанными в первую очередь с деятельностью человека. Это опасные эксперименты с вирусами и патогенами на потенциально опасных биологических объектах и развитие генной инженерии, в том числе синтетической биологии, позволяющей играть геномом в преступных целях», — сказал Патрушев, выступая в среду на ежегодной встрече секретарей совбезов стран СНГ в Москве. Его слова приводит пресс-служба аппарата СБ РФ. «Следствием этого процесса является устойчивая тенденция к появлению новых инфекционных болезней и пандемий», — подчеркнул Патрушев.

On the deputy of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Samsonov opened a case on pedophilia

The ICR opened a criminal case against the Communist Party deputy Samsonov under the article on pedophilia filed against a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Primorsky Territory. This was reported to by a representative of the regional department of the TFR Aurora Rimskaya. According to her, the parliamentarian is suspected of committing a crime under Article 132 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Sexual actions using the helpless state of the victim committed against a person under the age of 14 “). We are talking about a deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Artem Samsonov. According to the investigation, at a recreation center in Vladivostok, he showed an 11-year-old child an object intimate character, explaining its purpose. The crime was committed two years ago in a children's camp.

The Security Council warned of a possible catastrophic scenario for Afghanistan

Patrushev said that events in Afghanistan could develop according to a catastrophic scenario Events in Afghanistan could develop according to a catastrophic scenario will not be able to normalize the situation there, and the international community will not be able to support the people. Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev warned about this, RIA Novosti writes. According to him, it is difficult to say at the present time what possible consequences this may have for the region, the CIS countries and for the whole world. However, they will turn out to be extremely negative, said the Secretary of the Security Council. In addition, he said that Afghanistan should not again become a testing ground for rash geopolitical adventures of external players, preventing this is an extremely important task. “Today, it is more important for us than ever to unite efforts for coordinated and constructive work in the Afghan direction,” Patrushev

In the suburban SNT killed a family of three

The ICR opened a criminal case after the murder of three people in the Moscow Region A criminal case was opened in the Moscow Region under Article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation after the murder of a family. This was reported on Wednesday, November 17, by Interfax. After a fire in a private house in SNT Malakhit, located in the Volokolamsk region, the bodies of three people were found – two spouses and their 16-year-old daughter … A burnt car was found near the burnt building. Operational and investigative measures are underway, a number of examinations have been assigned, details of what happened are being clarified. On October 22, it was reported that 37-year-old Konstantin Kushnarenko was convicted of the double murder of his parents in the Krasnodar Territory, he sat for 16 years in a strict regime colony.

Россияне высказались за сокращение рабочего дня осенью и зимой

По данным опроса, 27 процентов опрошенных выступили против семичасового рабочего дня, а 17 процентов — затруднились дать ответ. Отмечается, что мужчины более категорично отнеслись к данной инициативе: 31 процент проголосовали против. Большинство респондентов (67 процентов) также заявили, что, даже несмотря на сокращение рабочих часов, смогли бы выполнять привычные объемы работы. В то же время работодатели критически отнеслись к переходу на семичасовой рабочий день. Согласно опросу, только четыре процента компаний допустили сокращение рабочих часов в осенний и зимний период. Ранее почти половина россиян признались, что хуже работают с приходом холодов. «Трудоспособность россиян меняется с наступлением холодного времени года — работоспособность падает, становится сложнее вставать по утрам, ощущается вялость и нехватка энергии», — говорится в отчете Исследовательского центра сервиса «Зарплата.ру». Также указывается, что 43 процента россиян начинают плохо работать с приходом зимы. Большинство опрошенных отмечают более быструю утомляемость при минусовых температурах (39 процентов), сонливость (29 процентов), невозможность проснуться утром из-за темноты (15 процентов), апатию из-за долгого отсутствия солнца (11 процентов), обострение депрессии (6 процентов).