Employers reveal attitudes towards remote work after the end of the pandemic

Izvestia: more than a quarter of employers intend to abandon remote work after the pandemic

Employers have disclosed their attitude to remote work after the end of the coronavirus pandemic. The results of a study carried out by the Rabota.ru service were published by the Izvestia newspaper.

Thus, more than a quarter of employers (27 percent) intend to completely abandon remote work. At the same time, 48 percent of employers plan to return work for employees in the office over time, 14 percent want to do it partially, 19 percent will introduce a hybrid format after a pandemic or allow employees to choose a convenient working mode themselves. The remaining 19 percent will leave everything as before.

In half of those companies that will partially work remotely, up to 10 percent of the state will continue to work in this format. Another 12 percent will leave up to a third of their employees remotely, 7 percent of companies will leave more than half of their employees remotely.

Earlier, lawyer Ivan Solovyov named a way to remotely work during a pandemic. According to him, an employee can write a statement with a request to transfer it to a remote mode, in which it is necessary to justify the need to change the work format.

