The nutritionist warned about the dangers of red caviar and named the risk group

Nutritionist Belousova: red caviar is dangerous for hypertensive patients and allergy sufferers , obesity and owners of kidney disease, named the risk group by nutritionist Anna Belousova, writes “Vechernyaya Moskva”.

As the specialist specified, some people may be allergic to this product, and then even “a small tartlet can make troubles “. If you consume a tablespoon of caviar daily, then a salt load occurs, this is especially dangerous for people suffering from high blood pressure. “If hypertension is especially sensitive, caviar should be transferred to the category of delicacies. Salt can cause water retention and, as a result, swelling, increased blood pressure, “she warned about the dangers of the product.

In some kidney diseases, it is also forbidden to eat caviar, this is discussed with your doctor. Due to the fact that the product delays the exchange of fluids in the body, caviar is not indicated for obese people. If you regularly eat caviar, an excess of vitamin D appears in the body, but this case is unlikely in winter.

The specialist advised to balance the diet. For example, if there is a lot of caviar on the New Year's table, you should remove other foods with a high salt content. “It is necessary to limit the consumption of salty and spicy: pickled products, smoked sausage. It is also important to eat more vegetables and fruits, ”she summed up.

Previously, nutritionist Elena Solomatina said that the product contains a high concentration of vitamins A, E and D. These fat-soluble vitamins can accumulate in the body and cause hypervitaminosis.

