Save the planet cost Jeff Bezos more than flying into space

Billionaire Jeff Bezos: Funding Bezos Earth Fund turned out to be more expensive than Blue Origin

Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon marketplace and Blue Origin, said that rescue planets are more expensive for him than flights into space. The American billionaire noted that more funds are spent in the Bezos Earth Fund to fight the climate crisis than to finance space projects. It is reported by CNBC.

According to sources, Bezos annually allocates about one billion dollars in Amazon shares for the content of Blue Origin. At the Ignatius Forum in Washington, the billionaire was asked to comment on criticism of wealthy people who allegedly spend more money on space travel than on opposing global warming. The Amazon founder replied that the Bezos Earth Fund is getting even more than Blue Origin.

Bezos admitted that there are still a lot of unresolved problems on Earth. However, in order to continue to grow as a civilization, people need to explore and develop other planets, the billionaire believes. Bezos established the $ 10 billion Bezos Earth Fund to provide grants to scientists, activists and other organizations involved in the fight against climate change. The fund has already allocated $ 947 million to environmental projects, and plans to allocate the remaining $ 9 billion until 2030.

Earlier in November, Bezos' charity Bezos Earth Fund promised to give $ 2 billion to restore disturbed natural landscapes. According to him, he realized the fragility of the Earth's ecosystem during a flight into space in July.

