Russian woman spoke about an easy way to save on electricity

Valentina Krivileva: a mini-power plant saves on electricity

power plants. Such a solution was found for herself by a resident of Izhevsk, Valentina Krivileva. Her story was published as part of the New Society project.

The Russian woman is engaged in dog breeding, and a constant supply of electricity and water is important for her kennel. On her site, she supplied a small hybrid installation with a wind generator, solar panels and batteries.

Basically, the system is needed in emergency situations when the lights are turned off in the area. The main advantage of such a system is independence from external factors and saving money. For example, in the summer, Krivileva does not use the central power supply at all. “In the summer, I carry out all irrigation using the energy generated by the installation,” she said.

Valentina has been using this technology for seven years. “The installation provides power for everything you need: water supply wells, a gas boiler, an anaerobic septic tank, garage doors, internet, refrigerator and TV,” she explained.

In the spring of 2021, the law on reverse generation came into force. Now power supply companies are required to conclude an appropriate contract for the purchase of electricity from a private person who owns generation based on renewable energy sources (solar panels or a wind generator). The power of the connected generating equipment can be from 15 to 150 kW inclusive (for one connection object). Renewable energy generation facilities can be located next to a house or outbuildings.

The development of renewable energy sources in Russia has become one of the central themes of the New Society cycle, a large-scale project of dedicated to the changes that have already began in Russia or will occur in the coming decades. They talk about the attitude of Russians to the environment, consumption processes, work schedules and the impact of society on climate change.

