Poroshenko called Putin's decree on Donbass hybrid aggression

& nbsp ; other than mockery. A slap in the face to everyone who & nbsp; sincerely sought a peaceful settlement & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; Poroshenko wrote in & nbsp; himself in & nbsp; Telegram.

The ex-president believes that & nbsp; Ukraine should demand the abolition of this decree, the abolition of the ruble zone and & nbsp; decisions on & nbsp; passportization, and & nbsp; also return their enterprises.

“ It's time for & nbsp; an increased international presence and & nbsp; in & nbsp; Ukraine of our allies. It's high time for & nbsp; to increase the price for & nbsp; Russian audacity with new sanctions. It is in this & nbsp; context that I sincerely welcome the decisiveness of the position of Berlin and & nbsp; Paris, which clearly warned Moscow about & nbsp; & ldquo; serious consequences & rdquo; in the & nbsp; case of new attempts to undermine the territorial integrity of Ukraine. I expect other partners to follow this example. It's time to & nbsp; stop certification & ldquo; Nord Stream & nbsp; & mdash; 2 & rdquo; (SP-2) & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; added Poroshenko.

Earlier in & nbsp; this day, Vladimir Putin signed a decree on & nbsp; providing humanitarian support to the population of certain areas of Donetsk and & nbsp; Luhansk regions. In & nbsp; in particular, the Russian leader also instructed the government in & nbsp; a month to take measures that would soften the conditions for & nbsp; admission to & nbsp; Russian markets for goods from & nbsp; DPR and & nbsp; LPR.

It follows from the & nbsp; decree that the & nbsp; decision on & nbsp; Russia's support for the residents of the self-proclaimed Donetsk and & nbsp; Luhansk People's Republics was made against the & nbsp; background of the ongoing economic blockade from & nbsp; Kiev and & nbsp; pandemic of the new coronavirus infection.

Earlier in & nbsp; & nbsp; Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that & nbsp; Russia will do everything possible in & nbsp; in terms of humanitarian aid to Donbass. While & nbsp; this he & nbsp; confirmed the existence of difficulties with & nbsp; providing Donbass with vaccines.

Since & nbsp; 2014, the Ukrainian authorities are conducting a military operation against the residents of Donbass, who refused to recognize the results of the coup d'état and & nbsp; new power in & nbsp; Ukraine. Given this, Kiev blames Moscow for the current situation. Russia has repeatedly stated that & nbsp; is not & nbsp; is a party to the internal Ukrainian conflict. Issues of its settlement are discussed in & nbsp; Minsk and & nbsp; Normandy formats.

