A man with a fully tattooed body showed his photo from 10 years ago

The tattooed man showed his appearance on Instagram before drawing the drawings The man, whose body is completely covered with tattoos, showed the fans his appearance before drawing the drawings … The photo on his Instagram account was noticed in the Daily Star. The user, known as Remy, has gained 170 thousand followers on the social network thanks to his non-standard appearance: black was introduced under the skin of his arms, legs and torso pigment. Moreover, the hero of the material has tattoos on his head, face and eyes, as well as a lot of piercings. In one of the latest publications, Remy showed subscribers a 10-year-old photo, which shows his face close up with many punctures in the nose, on the lips and the bridge of the nose, as well as with a minimum number of patterns. “It's been ten years since the first tattoo appeared on my face.

Poroshenko called Putin's decree on Donbass hybrid aggression

& nbsp ; other than mockery. A slap in the face to everyone who & nbsp; sincerely sought a peaceful settlement & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; Poroshenko wrote in & nbsp; himself in & nbsp; Telegram. The ex-president believes that & nbsp; Ukraine should demand the abolition of this decree, the abolition of the ruble zone and & nbsp; decisions on & nbsp; passportization, and & nbsp; also return their enterprises. “ It's time for & nbsp; an increased international presence and & nbsp; in & nbsp; Ukraine of our allies. It's high time for & nbsp; to increase the price for & nbsp; Russian audacity with new sanctions. It is in this & nbsp; context that I sincerely welcome the decisiveness of the position of Berlin and & nbsp; Paris, which clearly warned Moscow about & nbsp; & ldquo; serious consequences & rdquo; in the & nbsp; case

The nutritionist warned about the dangers of red caviar and named the risk group

Nutritionist Belousova: red caviar is dangerous for hypertensive patients and allergy sufferers , obesity and owners of kidney disease, named the risk group by nutritionist Anna Belousova, writes “Vechernyaya Moskva”. As the specialist specified, some people may be allergic to this product, and then even “a small tartlet can make troubles “. If you consume a tablespoon of caviar daily, then a salt load occurs, this is especially dangerous for people suffering from high blood pressure. “If hypertension is especially sensitive, caviar should be transferred to the category of delicacies. Salt can cause water retention and, as a result, swelling, increased blood pressure, “she warned about the dangers of the product. In some kidney diseases, it is also forbidden to eat caviar, this is discussed with your doctor. Due to the fact that the product delays the exchange of fluids in the body, caviar is not indicated for obese people.

Ukraine predicted the loss of a visa-free regime with the EU due to Russia

Political scientist Petrenko: Ukraine may lose a visa-free regime with the EU due to migrants from Poland “Predicted that Ukraine could lose a visa-free regime with the European Union (EU) due to the situation with migrants on the border of Poland and Belarus. According to the author of the publication, the crisis could have been provoked in the interests of Russia, which, according to him opinion, seeks to include Kiev in its sphere of influence. “Europe can start pushing Ukraine away, which Russia will take advantage of. Therefore, there is a risk that Ukraine may turn from a buffer zone between the EU and Russia into a zone of Moscow's influence, ”suggested Petrenko. According to the political scientist, the refugee crisis may affect both Belarusian and Ukrainian territories where migrants can get, taking into account the “leaky border”. “Poland has already announced the strengthening of the Polish-Ukrainian border, and this

The Russians were warned about the arrest of the apartment in debt

Lawyer Blagoveshchenskaya allowed the arrest of an apartment with a debt of more than three thousand rubles This is possible if there is nothing more to collect from the citizen, said experts interviewed by RIA Novosti. Lawyer Olga Blagoveshchenskaya warned that the arrest of an apartment occurs when other methods of debt repayment are excluded. In this case, a Russian does not have sufficient income, a car, bank deposits, and so on, she noted. At the same time, the arrest of an apartment does not imply the eviction of tenants, but a ban on registration actions with real estate. “Arrest can be imposed even with an insignificant amount of debt, starting from three thousand rubles. But the sale of property at auction is possible only with a debt commensurate with the market value of the apartment itself, “- admitted Blagoveshchenskaya. The arrest lasts until the debt is paid off. If

Argentinean suffered from HIV for eight years and was cured of it without medication

A woman from the Argentine city of Esperanza recovered from HIV without medication Argentine woman from the city of Esperanza, who was diagnosed with HIV eight years ago, recovered him naturally without medication, writes the Daily Mail. A 30-year-old woman learned about her diagnosis in 2013. For the first eight years, she suffered from HIV and did not receive any medication, except for six months when she was pregnant. Doctors prescribed drugs, fearing that the disease would pass to the baby. As the experts clarified, this is the second case when the human immune system was able to cope with HIV on its own. A similar precedent was registered in 2020 in the United States – 67-year-old Lorin Willenberg “recovered” from HIV without therapy. Earlier, Russian scientists have developed a new method of treating HIV patients. HIV patients have to take medications for the rest of their lives, and the

Ukraine recognized the unwillingness of countries to “fit in” for it in the event of a war with Russia

Political scientist Buzarov: no one will stand up for Ukraine in the event of a full-scale war by Russia Andriy Buzarov on the air of the “NASH” TV channel admitted that in the event of a full-scale war between Ukraine and Russia, other countries would not want to intercede for Kiev. Related materials00: 01 – April 16 ” We have nowhere to retreat “DPR head Denis Pushilin – about the threat of a big war in Donbass and the protection of Russians in Ukraine00: 03 – September 4 ” Ukraine will remain an outpost of the West “How the meeting between Zelensky and Biden will change Ukrainian politics and how it threatens Russia will France, Germany or the USA “fit in”, did they “fit in” in 2014? Were there French or NATO or German or American troops? Everything will be the same as in 2014, everything will fall on the

Signs of a dangerous cough revealed

Expressen: a wet cough can be a sign of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Ermund) revealed that with some diseases, a person begins to choke when coughing. Writes about this edition Expressen, reports “Inosmi”. The specialist named the signs of a dangerous cough, in the presence of which it is necessary to consult a doctor. So, the combination of a cold with a wet cough is very common. Elevated temperatures can be added to them. “If you have a rhinovirus, that is, a common cold, then first the virus eats away at the mucous membranes, and then bacteria join it. And the symptoms depend on what kind of bacteria it is, ”said Ermund. According to her, a wet cough is a remedy for the body. Excretion of sputum when coughing is the response of tissues to the introduction of infection. While a wet cough is most often a symptom of a

Named a way to make up for vitamin D deficiency without medication

Doctor Bocharova: fatty fish, egg yolk and sunbathing replenish vitamin D deficiency lack of vitamin D in the body, RIA Novosti reports. The doctor named a way to make up for the deficiency of vitamin D without medication. According to her, for this you need to include fatty fish (salmon, tuna, cod and sardines) and egg yolk in the diet, and you should also take sun baths. “In addition, milk, yoghurts, juices are being produced today. fortified with vitamin D – manufacturers irradiate them with ultraviolet light. However, it is impossible to cover the body's need for vitamin only from food. If you set such a goal, you will have to eat about one kilogram of cod every day, “Bocharova emphasized. The specialist added that it is important for residents of central Russia to sunbathe from May to September. For adults, she said, it is necessary to get 600-800 IU

In Ukraine, Putin's abolition of quotas for the DPR and LPR was called a demarche

Advisor to the head of Zelensky's office Arestovich accused Russia of violating the Minsk agreements (DPR and LPR), Russia violated the Minsk agreements, said the press secretary of Kiev in the trilateral contact group on the settlement of the conflict in Donbass, freelance adviser to the head of the office of the President of Ukraine Aleksey Arestovich, they write to Novosti Donbass. As noted Ukrainian expert, this can be called a “demarche”, which “is carried out according to an ideological plan within the next stage of the hybrid war.” He clarified that Kiev will assess Moscow's actions at the level of international partners. “This action directly violates the Minsk and Normandy agreements,” accused the adviser to the head of the office of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky. On Monday, November 15, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered to ensure equal access to goods from the DPR and LPR to public