Сегодня уже трудно представить себе виртуальное общение без эмодзи. Они не только помогают передать эмоции и настроение, но и заменяют слова и даже целые предложения. Но, несмотря на популярность эмодзи, на сегодняшний день не было проведено достаточно исследований на тему того, как человеческий мозг интерпретирует смайлики — как картинки или как слова. Это решила исправить объединенная команда ученых из нескольких институтов Германии. Они провели онлайн-исследование с участием 53 добровольцев, которым на экранах показывали предложения, состоящие как из слов, так и из эмодзи. Предложения выводились на экран по одному слову, а участники эксперимента должны были самостоятельно нажимать кнопку, чтобы продолжить чтение. После каждого полного предложения ученые спрашивали участников, верно ли они поняли суть прочитанного, а затем считали время, за которое были прочитаны слова и эмодзи. Оказалось, что большинство людей смогли правильно понять предложения со смайликами, хотя на это у них ушло в среднем на 350 миллисекунд больше, чем на чтение стандартного текста. При этом, если эмодзи по своей сути были похожи на предмет разговора, но напрямую с ним не связаны (например, вместо «компьютерная мышь» использовался смайлик мыши-грызуна), то на «обработку» такого изображения люди тратили в среднем на 900 миллисекунд больше, чем на прочтение обычного слова. Результаты
Day: November 16, 2021
The family settled in the old morgue and found a spooky room in the basement
In California, the family decided to live in a former morgue with a creepy room with hooks on the ceiling built in 1923. The Sun writes about this. Materials on the topic00: 09 – March 21, 2018 The walking deadThey were buried ahead of time and now not give back to the world of the living00: 02 – October 29, 2017 Casey and Andrew Olage lived in San Francisco. Real estate in this city was too expensive for them, so they decided to buy an old house in the town of Tracy, located about 90 kilometers west of it. They were informed that there was a morgue in this building just a few days before the purchase. For about a year, Olage have been renovating their new house and are talking about it on TikTok. What impressed them most was the creepy room they found in the basement. In their
“Putin's plan” for the migration crisis sparks fears in Poland
wPolityce: Putin's plan for the Polish-Belarusian crisis is to solve everything over the head of Warsaw the border of Poland and Belarus raises concerns – he wants to resolve all issues “over the head” of Warsaw and the Baltic countries. This opinion was expressed by the columnist for the Polish edition of wPolityce Marek Budzisz, writes RIA Novosti. “We see Moscow's plan at a glance, which is trying to avoid direct involvement in the conflict, and at the same time to exclude from the game the countries of our region, Poland, Lithuania and Latvia, which, from Putin's point of view, are not the leading players, “the agency quotes the publicist as saying. Budzisch noted that many issues were historically resolved in this way – Russia negotiated with the leading European powers without the participation of Poland – however now there is no talk of such a situation yet, and this
Японские ученые придумали, как стирать память
Японские ученые из Университете Киото разработали устройство, способное в прямом смысле стирать память. Правда это касается лишь новой информации в краткосрочной памяти. По словам специалистов, им удалось «изъять» из мозга информацию путем блокировки процесса консолидации — перемещения новой информации из кратковременной в долговременную память. Эксперименты ученые проводили на лабораторных мышах, которых предварительно обучили новым навыкам. Затем грызунам в мозг внедрили «проводники», реагирующие на облучение светом. С помощью специальных световых сигналов ученые воздействовали на гиппокамп подопытной мыши — именно там изначально кодируются новые воспоминания. Это воздействие помогло заблокировать белок кофилин, который обеспечивает работу синапсов, не давая возможности сформироваться нейронной сети, и тем самым запомнить полученную информацию. Больше всего результатов получилось от тройного воздействия: сразу же после обучения новой задаче, а также позже во время первого и второго сна. Это не дало новому знанию перейти в долговременную память, а потому сразу же забылось. Суперскидки до -70% на электронику, модную одежду, обувь и многое другоеУзнать цены Эти данные позволили ученым точно определить местоположение первоначальных воспоминаний и время их «жизни» до тех пор, пока они не перейдут в долгосрочную память. Екатерина Гура Еще больше интересного о науке
Georgian authorities explained the refusal to let the Ombudsman of Ukraine to Saakashvili
Head of the Ministry of Justice of Georgia Bregadze: the law does not oblige to let the Ombudsman of Ukraine to Saakashvili Lyudmila Denisov to the hospital of the Tbilisi prison to the former President Mikheil Saakashvili to take care of his health. This is reported by “Sputnik Georgia”. The head of the Ministry of Justice of Georgia, Rati Bregadze, said that the law does not provide for an ombudsman to visit the hospital. “There is no such need, we do not have such an obligation. Accordingly, when a prisoner is in a hospital, we are obliged to try to protect his health as much as possible. It is with this motive that the public defender has not yet been allowed in, “Bregadze added. According to him, it would be good if Denisova listened to the position of the Ministry of Justice before making unilateral statements after meeting with Saakashvili
In the Russian region, a teenager blackmailed a sixth grader with an intimate video
In Yakutia, a teenager blackmailed a sixth-grader with an intimate video leaked into the network with her participation In Yakutia, a teenager blackmailed a sixth-grader with a video of her into a network participation. Thus, the young man decided to take revenge on the schoolgirl, because she refused him oral sex, reports the Shot Telegram channel. According to Shot, about a month ago the girl was walking with two eighth grade students. The students ended up in an abandoned building, and one of the teenagers began to molest a sixth grader. Another was filming what was happening. The high school students warned the girl that if she told everything, an intimate video with her participation would appear on the network. Later, the eighth grader distributed the video on the network. The schoolboy wanted the schoolgirl's father to know about everything Parents have already written a statement to the police, a
Alibasov's son spoke about helping Pugacheva after a fire in his father's apartment
Bari Alibasov Jr.: Pugacheva transferred a million rubles to my father after the fire in his apartment Bari Alibasov Jr., son of Russian producer Bari , told how People's Artist Alla Pugacheva helped his father after a fire in his apartment. He shared the details of the story with Teleprogramma.pro. The fire in the musician's apartment occurred in the fall of 2011, then part of the archive of the Na-na group burned down there. According to Alibasov Jr., Pugacheva was the first to come to the rescue and the next day after the fire she transferred a million rubles to the artist. The funds were intended to repair the damaged housing. The musician's son suggested that the singer's act was related to her attitude towards Alibasov. “She probably did it on the basis that Bari Karimovich was her colleague. And he is very close in spirit, “said Alibasov Jr.. In
Disclosed the results of the examination of the sanity of the attacker of the school of Kazan
Experts found Galyaviev responsible for the armed attack on a school in Kazan , experts recognized him as sane. The results of the examination were revealed by the Baza Telegram channel. The examination of the accused was carried out in the psychiatric hospital No. 6 of St. Petersburg, he was there until October 13. Experts came to the conclusion that Galyaviev was aware of his actions when he was preparing for a crime and during its commission, despite the fact that he called himself God. Galyaviev was examined at the Serbsky Institute of Forensic Science in Moscow, and then he was sent to a psychiatric hospital in St. Petersburg. On July 21, it was reported that experts declared him insane, but the Investigative Committee of Russia denied this information. 19-year-old Galyaviev staged a mass execution on May 11 in Kazan gymnasium number 175. This is the largest school massacre in
Kim Jong-un appeared in public for the first time in a month
TsTAK: Kim Jong-un appeared in public for the first time in a month and went to a construction site North Korean leader Kim Jong-un for the first time in more month appeared in public. The Central Telegraph Agency of Korea (CTAC) spoke about his first business trip since October 11, TASS reports. The head of state went to the largest construction of a new North Korean city in Samjien in the northwestern part of the country to “personally to get acquainted with the construction progress ”. The last time the Korean leader was seen last month, when he spoke at a defense exhibition in Pyongyang. Earlier it became known that Kim Jong-un instructed officials to promote a new ideology in the country – Kimchenism. This term is already actively used in the ruling circles in North Korea. Prior to this, the term “Kimirsenism-Kimchenism”, formed in honor of the father and
An exhibition about space has opened in Kaluga
An exhibition about space with works by local and Moscow artists has opened in Kaluga “The Architects of the Towers of Babel” dedicated to space. This is reported by “Nika TV”. The exhibition presents the works of Moscow and Kaluga artists. Visitors will be able to see installations, works with augmented reality and a portrait of Yuri Gagarin from newspaper clippings. Near each work there is a QR code with an audio recording of the artist or announcer, telling about the author's intention. Event will last until December 12. Earlier it was reported that the Russian cosmonaut Oleg Novitsky photographed Saratov and Engels from space. He said that Saratov is one of the largest cities in the Volga region and for several centuries has become the most populated city in Russia.