Россияне от холода впадают в «трудовую спячку», показало исследование

«Трудоспособность россиян меняется с наступлением холодного времени года — работоспособность падает, становится сложнее вставать по утрам, ощущается вялость и нехватка энергии», — говорится в документе. Так, большинство опрошенных (43 процента) отмечают ухудшение работоспособности при минусовых температурах, 39 процентов — более быструю утомляемость, 19 процентов — сонливость, 15 процентов — невозможность проснуться утром из-за темноты, 11 процентов — апатию из-за долгого отсутствия солнца, а шесть процентов — обострение депрессии. По словам респондентов, для борьбы с этими симптомами они начинают пить витамины (35 процентов), увеличивают потребление кофе (33 процента), активизируют занятия спортом (13 процентов), стараются больше гулять (10 процентов) или отдыхать (девять процентов). При этом 31 процент опрошенных признались, что зимой хотели бы полностью работать из дома, 25 процентов предпочли бы, чтобы рабочий день начинался позже — в светлое время суток, а 17 процентов — хотели бы иметь возможность отдохнуть в течение дня. Один из предыдущих опросов «Зарплаты.ру» показал, что 37 процентов россиян мечтают о «тихом часе» в офисе, чтобы во время работы можно было вздремнуть. Онлайн-опрос проводился с 10 по 15 ноября во всех регионах страны, в нем принял участие 2001 респондент. Еще больше интересного о людях

In Russia, the rules for the prevention of COVID-19 have been extended

The head of Rospotrebnadzor Popova extended the rules for the prevention of COVID-19 until 2024 The head of the Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova extended the sanitary and epidemiological rules for the prevention of COVID-19 until 2024, the corresponding decree is posted on the official Internet portal of legal information. < p> The document says that those vaccinated or recovered from the coronavirus in the past six months will not be quarantined for two weeks in case of contact with a sick COVID-19.

VKontakte distributed one and a half million rubles to Russian IT specialists

VKontakte social network held the final of the Vezdecode IT marathon ”, The winners were given almost one and a half million rubles. The qualifying stages were held in four Russian cities: Vladivostok, Tula, Yekaterinburg and Kaliningrad, the press service of the company told Lente.ru. 1,300 developers and designers took part in the competition. In the qualifying rounds, they solved technological problems on various topics. The VKontakte team prepared tasks on interface design, native mobile development and VK Mini Apps, and local organizers – on game development, 3D modeling, vulnerability search and many others. In addition, there were entertaining formats: quizzes, tests, quizzes, games and original projects. “The participants came across some topics for the first time – but this is the beauty of the competition. Indeed, in order to become a sought-after specialist, you need to be able to quickly switch from one task to another and have basic

Lukashenko accused Poland of building up a strike group of troops on the border

Lukashenko: Poland, under the guise of protecting the European Union from refugees, is building up troops President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko has accused the Polish forces on the border , BelTA informs. “On the borders of our neighbors, especially Poland, there are not only border guards. A strike grouping of troops is being built up there – up to 20 thousand personnel with aviation and armored vehicles, “Lukashenko said at a meeting on the situation at the border. According to him, all this is done under the guise of protecting the European Union from refugees from countries. “Which were bombed and plundered by the Western coalition led by the United States.” “I just don’t understand (as the media rightly point out here) why planes, helicopters and tanks are against refugees,” Lukashenka said. He added that against this background, the EU is “scaling down projects of cross-border cooperation and interaction.” “In

РФ возобновит авиасообщение Бразилией, Аргентиной и рядом стран с 1 декабря

Кроме того, с 1 декабря увеличится количество рейсов с Азербайджаном, Вьетнамом, Казахстаном, Киргизией, Италией. Также будут сняты ограничения на регулярные и нерегулярные полеты на Кубу, в Мексику и Катар. Новость дополняется.

Russian billionaire calls food price containment pointless

The head of the Crocus Group, Araz Agalarov, called the containment of food prices senseless products. The businessman said this in an interview with RBC. Agalarov said that all grocery store chains are currently competing with each other, so the billionaire rules out the possibility of cartel collusion (an agreement between stores to sell goods at a certain price). According to the head of Crocus Group, food prices are growing following the increase in costs due to the rise in prices for fuel and fertilizers. “If sugar cost 20 rubles from suppliers, we sold it for 22 rubles. If the entry price becomes 40 rubles, we sell it for 44 rubles. I think that manufacturers also raised the price for a reason, they are not able to artificially raise prices, “Agalarov said. The billionaire stressed that prices in retail chains do not rise at someone's will, but as a result

Specialist doubted the danger of collision of the ISS with space debris

Space debris specialist: the probability of collision at ISS height is low Space debris specialist Andrei Nazarenko told Lenta.ru that the probability of collision with debris at the ISS height is small, and there is no great danger for the station. “During its existence, there has not been a single serious case, there have been blows of small particles,” he said. Earlier, the US State Department accused Russia of testing anti-satellite weapons, after which 1,500 fragments were allegedly formed and hundreds of thousands more small fragments. threatening the safety of the ISS. “Americans often frighten someone. The wreckage is dangerous, but the devil is not so terrible as he is painted. The situation is simple: if they form at an altitude of more than 500 kilometers, they are not scary. Why? Firstly, because at altitudes less than 500 kilometers, where the ISS flies, there are not so many debris, and