Ukrainian convicted of espionage asked Zelensky to be released from Russia

Ukrainian Marchenko, convicted in Russia, asked Zelensky to include him in the exchange of prisoners Zelensky on release from prison. His lawyer Ivan Pavlov (included in the list of foreign agents in Russia) announced this in his Telegram channel. The defender said that Marchenko had asked Zelensky to include him in the list for the exchange of prisoners between Russia and Ukraine. “I was kidnapped, taken to Russia and sentenced to 10 years on trumped-up charges, I have serious health problems after being tortured in the Izolyatsia concentration camp, and the only thing, what supports me is the hope of returning home, “the lawyer quotes the convicted person. Pavlov also noted that Marchenko had not yet formalized his appeal to the Ukrainian leader and asked his defense to disseminate it through the media. On November 16, the Supreme Court (Armed Forces) of Russia recognized the verdict of Alexander Marchenko for

The body of the stabbed Russian with traces of burns was found at the bottom of the quarry

A case was opened in the Sverdlovsk region over the found body of a man with a bag of stones around his neck a local resident with traces of a violent death. This is reported by URA.RU. The body of the Russian had knife wounds and burns, and a bag with stones was tied to his neck. According to the investigation, two citizens may be involved in his murder at once. During the conflict, the drunk men stabbed a friend and decided to burn the body. They did not manage to get rid of the victim's body in this way, so they drowned him. A criminal case was initiated on murder. Earlier it was reported that in Novosibirsk, a 24-year-old webcam model was found with punched head in a rented apartment. The girl lost her mobile phone. The suspect was identified using the security cameras in the entrance. The footage

Russians massively rushed to one region for the New Year

The level of bookings for accommodation facilities in Crimea for the New Year was 60 percent Crimea. The increased demand for this direction during the winter holidays was recorded at the Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of the republic, Interfax reports. “The level of booking accommodation facilities for the New Year holidays in Crimea is on average 60 percent,” the agency's interlocutor said and added that about 90 percent of the room stock was bought in the most popular family resort complexes. < p> It is noted that from January to October, the peninsula was visited by 8.7 million travelers, which is 25 percent more than the same period in 2019, when the region was visited by a record 7.43 million people. In 2020, only 6.3 million people rested in Crimea, which is 15 percent less than in 2019. Earlier in November, the republican authorities explained the procedure for entering

British schoolboy arrested for attempted murder

Mirror: 13-year-old teenager accused of attempted murder in British Morkham accused of attempted murder. This is reported by the Mirror. A man injured with a gunshot wound to the head was found on the street after reports of the shooting. He was taken to the hospital in serious condition, but subsequently stabilized. As a result of the investigation, the police arrested the teenager, at the moment he is in custody. Law enforcement agencies have stepped up patrols in the area. On October 13, it was reported that Ludong County police in the US state of Virginia detained a transgender teenager who raped girls in schools where he studied. The attacker was placed in a juvenile detention center, his name is classified. The juvenile offender was convicted of at least two episodes of rape of classmates in different educational institutions.

The reasons for the refusal of Russians from natural meat are named

Roskachestvo revealed the reasons for the refusal of Russians from traditional meat in favor of vegetable in favor of the vegetable. It turned out that, in theory, more than half of the country's inhabitants are ready to switch to a new type of meat, according to the website of the service. According to the results of a sociological survey by Roskachestvo, a copy of which is at the disposal of, the greatest enthusiasm is relative to innovative The product was demonstrated by young people from 18 to 24 years old. Older people (over 55 years old) are wary of vegetable meat. The respondents named several conditions under which they agree to abandon traditional meat. First of all, consumers are concerned about compliance with safety requirements – 37 percent of Russians want to be sure of the reliable quality of products. According to the majority of respondents, vegetable meat should

Biden-Xi Talks: China Advises US Not To Play With Fire In Taiwan

The meeting between C and & nbsp; Biden became the most meaningful since & nbsp; the moment the American president took office. The summit was intended to ease tensions in the & nbsp; relations between the two countries. However, the issue of Taiwan's self-government could not be bypassed. China considers Taiwan to be a rebellious province, the reunification of which with the mainland is only a matter of time. The United States recognizes China and & nbsp; maintains official relations with & nbsp; but & nbsp; while & nbsp; also supports Taiwan and & nbsp; promises to help him in the & nbsp; case of an attack by Beijing. The Chinese state publication Global Times wrote that & nbsp; Xi believes the reason the recent friction between the parties & nbsp; repeated attempts by the Taiwanese authorities to enlist US support in & nbsp; its independence program, and & nbsp;

In Germany, called the timing of the election of the new Chancellor

SPD General Secretary Klingbeil: German Chancellor will be appointed until December 12 election of the country's chancellor. According to him, the SPD, the Greens and Free Democrats expect that this will happen before December 12, RIA Novosti reports. “We had an ambitious plan from the very beginning, and we did not deviate from it, we are still ambitious and look forward to electing a new chancellor in the week after (St.) Nicholas' Day (December 6-12), ”Klingbeil specified and added that the new government would be able to start work immediately after that. < p> At the same time, he noted that the exact day when the Bundestag will elect a new chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany has not been set. On October 26, Angela Merkel was given an official notice of the end of the powers of the German Chancellor. It is assumed that this post will be

The number of people poisoned with fake alcohol in Kazan has increased

The number of students poisoned by surrogate alcohol in Kazan increased to 12 The number of students poisoned by fake alcohol in Kazan increased to 12. This , November 16, citing sources, REN TV writes. Earlier, it was reported about eleven victims. The incident took place in the village of Salmachi. A group of 19 young people was resting in a cottage and drinking surrogate alcohol – a five-liter canister of vodka without marking, bought from an unknown person. Most of them were hospitalized on November 16 with signs of methanol poisoning. Through friends they bought a five-liter can of vodka without marking. After drinking, all the young people felt bad. According to the regional department of the Investigative Committee (IC), their condition is assessed as moderate and severe. A criminal case was initiated under clause “c” of Part 2 of Art. 238 of the Criminal Code of the Russian

Открытие года: в Англии обнаружили затерянные древние муралы

The @LandmarkTrust have announced that restorers at the Calverley Old Hall in Yorkshire have accidentally made “the discovery of a lifetime”: pristine #Tudor wall paintings depicting the designs found within the ruins of Roman emperor Nero’s Golden Villa. — La Gazette Drouot – International (@Gazette_Inter) November 15, 2021 Реставраторы в Англии неожиданно обнаружили настенные росписи времен королевы Елизаветы I (1558−1603), спрятанные под штукатуркой XIX века. Находка была сделана в средневековой усадьбе Калверли в Йоркшире, сообщает Guardian. Затерянные рисунки на стене спальни исследователи назвали находкой, которая случается раз в жизни. По их словам, росписи сохранились «в первозданном виде» — такими, какими они были во времена Тюдоров. Это не отдельные фрагменты — рисунки покрывают стены комнаты полностью. На рисунках можно увидеть грифонов, птиц с зубами и других мифологических существ, а также вьющиеся виноградные лозы, гранаты, розы Тюдоров и эмблему Екатерины Арагонской, первой жены Генриха VIII. Такой художественный стиль носит название гротеск от французского слова «причудливый». Оно в свою очередь восходит к латинскому «гротовый», «находящийся в гроте». Мода на гротески распространилась в конце XV века, когда