In Yakutia, a teenager blackmailed a sixth-grader with an intimate video leaked into the network with her participation
In Yakutia, a teenager blackmailed a sixth-grader with a video of her into a network participation. Thus, the young man decided to take revenge on the schoolgirl, because she refused him oral sex, reports the Shot Telegram channel.
According to Shot, about a month ago the girl was walking with two eighth grade students. The students ended up in an abandoned building, and one of the teenagers began to molest a sixth grader. Another was filming what was happening. The high school students warned the girl that if she told everything, an intimate video with her participation would appear on the network.
Later, the eighth grader distributed the video on the network. The schoolboy wanted the schoolgirl's father to know about everything
Parents have already written a statement to the police, a criminal case has been opened. The injured sixth grader is currently being homeschooled because she is afraid to go to school. In addition, a psychologist works with the girl.
During the interrogation, the schoolgirl herself said that she had not had sexual intercourse with a teenager who had leaked an intimate video. The girl claims that they were just talking.
Earlier, pupils of one of the schools in the city of Lysva, Perm Territory, engaged in group gay sex under the windows of a local lyceum.
In a private conversation, one of the groups in the social network distributed videos of pornographic content. In the footage, several children between the ages of eight and 12 are having sex. It is specified that they do it with each other by mutual agreement. The video caption indicates that the action takes place near the lyceum.