Hitchhiking Russian woman told the attempted rape in Turkey

A Russian woman told how she and her friend tried to rape in Turkey

their trips. She shared her story with Lenta.ru.

As the girl explained, over time she learned to quickly understand whether she should get into the car with strangers. According to her, she looks at the driver's face, his clothes, facial expressions, speech, the cleanliness of the cabin and makes a conclusion. She also added that in any situation in her head there are hundreds of options for what to do. Nevertheless, she had to face unpleasant situations.

For example, once in Turkey, a Russian woman and her friend were driven by a local driver with another man. “The guys were young and cheerful, but I felt that something was wrong. In the end, they left the route into some huge field planted with turnips, “the traveler recalled.

After stopping, the Turks told the Russians to get out of the car, however, as the hitchhiker noted, the men apparently it was the first time in such a situation ourselves and did not know how to start.

“We were so scared that we started yelling at them in Russian – in the end, they left us and left. Later, we managed to meet farmers who helped us find a car, “the tourist concluded the story.

Earlier in November, an American woman who was hitchhiking in New Zealand was sexually harassed by a driver and left alone on the highway … As a result, the girl was picked up on the road by a couple of local residents and took her to Greymouth – there the tourist stopped in a hostel.

