Foreign airlines will be required to sell tickets using QR codes

“This law will not apply & nbsp; only to & nbsp; Russian airlines, but & nbsp; to & nbsp; & nbsp; territory of Russia, & nbsp; & mdash; said Mr. Bogdanov (quoted by & nbsp; TASS). & mdash; We will & nbsp; put them & nbsp; before & nbsp; a fact & raquo ;.

According to & nbsp; he said, the Ministry of Transport allows the allocation of subsidies to air carriers for & nbsp; compensation for lost income after the adoption of the bill: “We & nbsp; are considering the issue of subsidies for & nbsp; ; for & nbsp; they may have difficulties with & nbsp; business & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said & nbsp; he. However, the deputy minister began to name the amount of possible subsidies. As reported by the newspaper “ Vedomosti '' with & nbsp; reference to & nbsp; a letter from Deputy Minister Igor Chalik to the & nbsp; government and & nbsp; the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Transport offered the government to compensate the aviation industry in & nbsp; 8.09 billion rubles in & nbsp; December.

According to & nbsp; calculations of economists of one of the & nbsp; airlines included in & nbsp; top-5, the aviation industry will not lose & nbsp; less than 15 billion rubles. every month (or 90 billion rubles for & nbsp; six months) the validity of the requirements for checking QR codes when buying tickets. Another 20 billion rubles. will go to & nbsp; refunds to passengers without & nbsp; QR codes. & Nbsp; & nbsp; most countries, & nbsp; including & nbsp; UK, Germany, Switzerland and & nbsp; most US states, QR codes on & nbsp; domestic flights were not & nbsp; & nbsp;

