Singaporean scientists have created a drone with one propeller and a wing This was reported by the IEEE Spectrum magazine.
The device presented by the engineers of the Singapore University of Technology and Design has one motor with a propeller and a wing. The latter has a foldable design and is attached to a movable cable. In working condition, the wing unfolds, the propeller starts to move and the drone begins to rotate around its axis, thereby creating lift.
According to scientists, the aircraft is compact and lightweight. When unfolded, the F-SAM is 35 centimeters long and weighs 69 grams, of which 40 percent is the battery. The flight time of the device on a single charge is about 16 minutes.
The authors noted that the design of the drone is based on the concept of maple seeds, which also have one or two pterygoid processes, thanks to which they can glide and fly at a great distance from the tree … In the event of equipment failure, the aircraft with one wing will not fall down, but will slowly descend to the ground.
Scientists noted that it will not work to shoot video from the camera of such a device, since the picture will be blurred due to constant rotation … But due to its cheapness and quiet operation, F-SAM can be used for scientific purposes or military operations.
Earlier it became known that Chinese engineers have developed a CH-6 drone, which can be in the sky for almost a day. The vehicle is intended for use in the army.