The withdrawal of part of the territories of Russia from the list of regions of the Far North is assessed

Political scientist Kalachev called the reduction in the number of regions of the Far North a rational decision

Revision of decisions made during the presidency of Boris Yeltsin is quite natural. Thus, the withdrawal of some regions of Karelia, the Komi Republic, Buryatia and the Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug from the territories belonging to the Far North, was assessed by political scientist Konstantin Kalachev. In a conversation with, he called this a rational technocratic approach.

Russian President Vladimir Putin earlier canceled Yeltsin's decree on equating the territories of Karelia with the regions of the Far North. The corresponding document was published on the portal of legal information.

According to the posted document, from January 1, 2022, the decree of December 20, 1993, by which certain regions of Karelia were equated to living conditions in the Far North, is canceled. This was done as part of the changes in the Strategy for the Development of the Arctic Zone.

In addition, Komi, Buryatia and the Komi-Permyak Autonomous District of the Perm Territory were removed from the corresponding list.

Amendments to the Constitution have not ended

Kalachev considered the abolition of the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 20, 1993 No. 2226 rational. In his opinion, some of the early decisions of politicians could be subject to pressure. “The revision of the decisions made during the time of Boris Yeltsin is quite natural. As we understand then, the lobbying opportunities of the regions were greater. In the interests of some regions, far from indisputable decisions were made, ”he explained.

According to him, it is quite fair to withdraw some districts of Karelia, the Komi Republic, Buryatia and the Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug from the Far North, if only because the living conditions in them are easier. “I had a chance to visit the regions of the Far North and also had to travel to the Republic of Karelia and visit Buryatia. I, of course, understand that for them this decision may not seem the most pleasant and even painful, since it deprives some of the benefits, but still, let's agree that life in Buryatia and in the Far North is not the same thing. Is it possible to compare living conditions in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug and in Chukotka? ” – the expert asked.

The political scientist noted that the revision of the decisions made by Putin's predecessors means that the period of change is not over. “The topic of amendments to the Constitution is not over yet. Apparently, the line has not yet been drawn to the end under that period of modern Russian history. I do not think that this decision will have a strong impact on domestic politics, but we have made a step from a federal state to a centralized unitary one, “he said.

Summing up Kalachev said that in this step one should not look for a second bottom or think that the regions are being punished for something. He stressed that the exclusion of the aforementioned territories is a technocratic approach, indicating that the regions in modern Russia do not need lobbying potential and a special nature of relations with the “center”, but the ability to provide convincing arguments.

Earlier, the Russian leader signed a decree on the approval of the foundations of state policy in the field of strategic planning in the country. We are talking about a set of measures aimed at determining, taking into account national interests, long-term goals of socio-economic development.

