The number of collectors dangerous for Russians has been counted

FSSP: nine Russian collection agencies fell into the significant risk category on the data of the Federal Bailiff Service (FSSP). This is 7.2 percent of the total number of companies listed in the register of professional collectors.

Collectors who have grossly violated the main law in the field of collection are classified as high-risk at least once a year. Such violations, for example, include the use of physical force against debtors, threats, destruction or damage to property, as well as contact with Russians after they were declared bankrupt.

According to the FSSP, nine legal entities fell into the category of significant risk, and the average (repeated violation
of the rules for the frequency of visits and calls) is five. In general, the share of collection companies that are dangerous for Russians, to which bailiffs have claims, is 10.6 percent of the total.

Earlier, the State Duma passed a law prohibiting collectors from communicating with relatives, acquaintances or neighbors of the debtor. Interaction will be possible only with written consent. The law also provides for their right to revoke their prior consent at any time.

